I might be crazy

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Chapter 8

P.O.V Mareslya

At school on Tuesday was like any other day at school. Minus the fact that almost everyone was bowing and calling me Luna. It was getting really annoying so to show everyone I'm still the funny outgoing person, I did something really funny with them.

When the last bell of the day rung me, Jazz, Marty, Kris, Yazmine, and Ciara went running through the halls singing 'I'm sexy and I know it' by LMFAO. When we got to the part about the wiggle we all stopped in the middle of the hallway and did the wiggle. Just imagine it 6 girls running through the hallway singing I'm sexy and I know it. People looked at us like we were crazy. The best part was the teachers couldn't say anything because it was the end of the school day.

As soon as we arrived at the school parking lot we all started laughing.

"Did we really just do that?" Yazmine asked out of breath.

"Yes we did. Did you see there faces?" Said Ciara sobering up a little bit just to start laughing again.

"I know it was priceless." I say still in mid laugh.

Jason Ciara's mate came up to us. Jason grabbed her waist and Ciara immediately stopped laughing and took on a dreamy look.

"I saw your guys little performance. By the way you suck at singing." Said Jason.

"HEY." We all yelled in unison. Then slapped his arm' while Ciara hit the back of his head.

"I was just joking. But you looked sexy doing the wiggle though." Ciara hit him in the back of the head again. Then gave Jason a death glare and all he did was chuckle.

"I'm just joking babe. You know I only like seeing you do the wiggle. I love you babe and don't forget that." Jason said to Ciara then kissed her cheek, but it turned into a full out make-out session.

So me being the weird person I am I screamed. "Eeewww PDA."

"Oh shut it. I'm pretty sure and you Shaquan did worse." Kris says while hitting me in the back of the head. I rub the back of my head. Me being a little immature I stick my tongue out at her. Just the Shaquan walks up to my little group.

"Not yet we haven't." Shaquan says while kissing my cheek then going down to my neck.

"Now thats PDA." Marty says with a smirk. Then starts counting down form 3 on her fingers.

When she hit one everyone other than me and Shaquan screamed "Eeewww PDA."

"Okay. Okay. I learned my lesson. I won't complain about PDA anymore. Just stop embracing me every chance you get." I said.

Then they all laughed including Shaquan. Just then the rest of our group decided to join us. Which was the rest of the girls mate. There was Derrit who was of course Jazz mate. Rory who was Marty mate. Sam who was Kris mate. Then there was Drake who was Yazmine mate. Then you already know who Ciara mate. And thats are group.

"You ready to go?" Shaquan whispered in my ear which sent shivers through me. I couldn't trust my voice so all I dis was nod. He grabbed my hand and lead me to his black mustang.

"So why are you in such a rush to leave? Usually you want to hang out for a while." I asked after we were in his car.

"You know how you said for your birthday you didn't want to celebrate or anything?"

"Yeah why?! Plus we didn't celebrate it."

"Well for you birthday I'm taking you to the lake that's 30 minutes away. We leave friday afternoon and we'll be back monday night. So you have today tomorrow and thursday to pack."

"Babe you don't have to do this. Just being with you is enough."

"I want to do this."

Then we arrived at the pack house. We got out the car and the only people home from school was Yazmine and Drake. Drake was in the living room watching a basketball game, so Shaquan went with Drake to watch the game. I went into the kitchen with Yazmine. Yazmine was in the kitchen eating MY chocolate.

Everyone who lives in the pack house knows not to touch my chocolate let alone eat it. The last person who touched my chocolate I broke there hand.

"YAZMINE!!!!!!" I screamed. When she saw me she took off running.

"Drake help me." Yazmine screamed while running into the living room. Drake jumped up from the couch and Yazmine ran behind him.

Woah what happened?" Drake asked while Shaquan grabbed my waist trying to hold me back.

"She was eating my chocolate and she still has it." I said.

"Shaquan just hold her for a little longer so I can move out the way." Drake said.

"What?!" Squealed Yazmine.

"Now!!!!!" Screamed Drake. Just then Shaquan let go of me and Drake jumped out of the way. And I tackled Yazmine to the ground. As I had her pinned I let out a low growl.

"I won't break your hand because your one of my friends. But next time you touch my chocolate I will brake both of your hands. Now drop my chocolate." She dropped my chocolate. I grabbed it and sat on the couch like nothing ever happened and watched the basket ball game.

"Some mate you are." Yazmine said while sending a death glare to Drake.

"Come on Jazz. Everybody know not to touch he chocolate. There is no need for both of us to end up with a broken hand." Drake said while paying attention to basket ball game.

I just laughed at his comment. Shaquan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. And thats how we watched the rest of the game. What can I say I'm a major tomboy. When it comes to sports I watch them with the guys and bet on the games.

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