Trip to the lake

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Chapter 10

P.O.V Mareslya

Shaquan woke me up a 10 a.m and told me I had 2 hours to get ready because we leave at noon. I'm really nervous now but more of a excited nervous. I got ready and dragged my bag full of clothes down stairs. Said good bye to my parents.

The half hour drive to the lake was spent in a comfortable silence. And us every now and then arguing over which station to play. Which I won thank to the puppy dog eyes. When we arrived at the cabin Shaquan made me wait out in the car for a little bit. Then when he did come out he came out with a blind fold in his hands. He helped me get out the car then tied the blind fold around my eyes so I couldn't see anything. He picked me up then carried me into the cabin bridal style.

Shaquan put me down inside the cabin, also untied the blind fold. What i just seen made my heart flutter. There were rose petals along the floor along with candles. Shaquan grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. There was a little round table with a white cloth on it and also candles. Shaquan lead me to the table pulled out the chair for me then sat on the other side of the table.

"This is so romantic baby." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"I know and I would only do this for you." Shaquan said with a smirk on his face. Then got up to get our food. After we were done eating Shaquan grabbed my hand and lead me to the living room. He went to the radio and played a song. He came back over to me and did a little bow. "Can I have this dance."

"Of course." I took his hand and he lead me to the middle of the living room. I put my arms around his neck and he put arms around my waist. Thats when I noticed what song was playing. Christina Perri 'A thousand years.'

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

"I love you for a thousand more." Shaquan whispered in my ear. I grabbed Shaquan hand and lead him to the bedroom. I have never been so sure about this until now. I kissed him. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Babe are you sure about this? Because I'm willing to wait." Shaquan asked me while looking straight into my eyes.

"Shaquan I have never been more sure in my life. I love you and I'm ready to be with you 100%."

He kissed me again. And that was the beginning to our final stage of the mating process.

8 p.m

I woke up and found the other side of the bed cold. Thats when all of the events of earlier today came rushing back into my head.

Shaquan was cooking with no shirt on. "Hey good looking what's cooking?" I said as I took a seat at the table.

"Chicken Alfredo. And how do you feel?"

"Tired." He turned around to look at me and had this smirk on his face. Then he set a plate in front of me with the food on it.

"Well thats good." I rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat my food. "After your done eating you have to go get dress because were taking a canoe ride."

"You know I'm clumsy right?" I didn't even give him time answer. "Most likely I'll tip the canoe." He chuckled like I was just joking.

"Then we can go for a canoe ride and a swim." I got up to go get ready when I was leaving Shaquan smacked my butt. I jumped a little. "By the way you look sexy in my T-shirt."

I walked into the bedroom and got in the shower. When I got out the shower and was ready I found Shaquan at the deck waiting for me.

"Hey beautiful you ready?" Shaquan asked me.

"Yup." I replied while popping the 'p'. When we were in the middle of the lake Shaquan stopped rowing the canoe. And laid down in the middle of the canoe, and motioned for me to lay down next to him. We sat there for about 5 minutes looking at the stars. "Shaquan I know your trying to be romantic but this is really boring."

"I know. How about we go back to the cabin and have a round 2."

I laughed as he rowed the canoe back to the cabin. And thats how we spent the rest of the night having more rounds.

Early the next morning Shaquan phone was ringing. He answered it to here is mom in total melt down mode.

"Mom what happened?" Shaquan said trying to calm his mom.

"There was a rogue attack. Your father is very hurt and in the hospital. There is a high chance that he won't make it. You need to come home NOW!!!!!!" Marie said.

Shaquan just sat there frozen. I started packing everything and put it in the trunk of the car. When I came back into the house Shaquan was still in the same spot. But there was tears running down his cheek. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him as he cried onto my shoulder.

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