This should be interesting *edited*

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Chapter 3: This should be interesting

Marselya's P.O.V

I just sat on his lap while his head was in the crook of my neck breathing in my sent. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, everywhere he touched there was millions of little sparks. Then he finally broke the silence.

"Were going to have a pack meeting tomorrow so I can finally tell the pack I found my lovely mate, and my parents can finally retire from being Alpha and Luna. And your parents can retire from being Beta and Beta-female, and  travel the world like they wanted to."

"We can tell people tomorrow. But we always argue and your always messing with me - I mean I'm glad I found my mate. But will things be a little awkward between us?"

"Truth is I had a crush on you when I was 5 and 13. When I was 13 I told your brother about me liking you. He told me that I couldn't date you because at the time I had a girlfriend and also I was becoming a player. And I thought that if I  were to date you and we broke up it would be awkward for everyone so I just left it at that."

"Wow I never knew that. And you never led on that you had feelings for me. But you realize I'm not like all the other girls you hook up with. If you even think about cheating on me I will leave you. If you actually cheat on me, you can forget that I even exist."

"I know but I will change to be with you. I promise you I will be there when you need me. And I will never hurt you on purpose."

I turned around to see if he was lying. But I could tell that he was telling the truth. Shaquan was looking into my eyes with the same intensity that I was looking at him with, he glanced down to my lips. Next thing I know we were both leaning in. When our lips touched it was like fireworks going off. Our lips were moving in sync. His lips were so soft his breath smelled of mint, most likely from the piece of gum he was chewing in the car, and I swear I could taste a hint of cherry chapstick on his lips. But all to soon I had to pull away because I needed air.

"That was even better than how I imagined it." Shaquan said while laying his forehead on mine. "Will you stay the night with me?"

"We already stay in the same house, so what do you mean?"

"I mean sleep in my bed with me move into my room. We can do all the moving and stuff tomorrow after the pack meeting. And nobody in our pack is going to school, because we're having a pack party after we tell them your my mate and there future Luna."  With that said he started nibbling on my neck.

"Yeah that's fine." I said trying to keep in my moan. But I knew Shaquan was smirking because he got what he want. "Shaquan thats unfair you distracted me so you could get what you want."

"And it worked. So now I know your weakness." He said the last part in a breathless whisper. Then we just sat there for while not saying anything. Making- out every now and then. But most of the time we just sat in a comfortable silence.

Around ten o'clock I decided that we should head back to the pack house because all the teenagers and kids are still up and watching movies or drinking. Even though its thursday most people already knew we weren't going to school. When we arrived at the pack house there was music going people in the pool, and as I said before some were drinking.

In the pack house mostly teens live there so when we don't have school we party. And we party hard. Most parents make there kids move into the pack house at when they turn 15.

When we walked through the door thats where you find most of the drunk teens. As your walking through the halls of the house. All you see are people making-out. And it doesn't help that most of the girls that are in the house are in heat.

As we made our way to the living room one of the girls that Shaquan use to hook-up with stopped us and asked Shaquan if he wanted to dance. Any other time I probably  would've said something but I wanted to see how this was going to go. He told her that he found her mate. Then she said that he would come crawling back to her.

When she said that he hugged me from behind and started kissing my neck and telling me I'm the only one. The other girl rolled her eyes and walked away.

*See he's proving that he wants us and only us.* My wolf Mea said.

*I know but I still don't trust him all the way.* I replied back to my wolf.

*He's our mate you need to. I think I'm already in love with his wolf.*

*Well good for you I'm still working on the Human side.*

Me and Shaquan finally found our way to the living room. We danced to about 6 songs until he thought that we should go to bed. When we got to his bedroom, he pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. I had my arms around his neck and was playing with his hair.

Shaquan detached his lips from mine and made his way to my neck. Then he mumbled these words while he was still attacking my neck.

"Don't worry baby were not going to fully mate tonight. But I do want you to wear my mark."


Picture of Derrit on the side

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