1. I'm Going Where?!

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Ever since she could remember, (Y/n) Kina loves the thought of becoming a strong ninja, just like her parents. Every day, (Y/n) will train with her parents in the Kina compound until sunset. They live a normal life, with the occasional mission here and there, but overall, everything is going great. 

Until one dreadful spring night.

You have just passed your exam to become a genin at the young age of seven. You are so excited to tell your parents, that you run to your compound as fast as you can. Currently, it's dark outside, the moon shining brightly in the sky above. You finally catch sight of your home, so you slow down to a brisk walk, a slight skip in your step.

When you get to your front door, you notice it's slightly ajar.

That's strange, you think to yourself. Usually mom and dad lock it. Maybe they just left it open for me because they knew I was out?

You slowly push the door open and are greeted by darkness.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" You call out, expecting a response, but are answered with silence instead.

You make your way inside your house, shutting the door behind you quietly. You turn on the lights and walk towards your parents room.

Your brow furrows in slight confusion, the unusual silence grating at your nerves. At first glance, nothing seems to be out of place, but the closer you get to your parents room, the more scratches you noticed on the walls, as well as something that resembles blood.

Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this, you gulp.

You quickly, yet quietly, make your way to your parents room. The door is shut, but you can hear muffled noises coming from inside. It almost sounds as if someone is crying. You push the door open.

What you see makes you start to tremble. Whether it is out of fear, anger, or sadness, you don't know. You walk towards your mother who is holding your dead father in her arms. Blood is all over them and all over the walls. Your mother is leaning against the bed, barely holding onto her own life. Tears begin to blur your vision as you take in the scene before you.

"(Y-Y/n)," your mother turns to look at you from her position.

"Mom-mommy, what's going on? What happened?" You ask as tears start to stream down your face.

"(Y/n), I need you to promise me, stay true to your heart, and become the greatest person you can be. I love you," your mother says, struggling for breath. "We're so proud of you."

"N-no, mom, don't talk like that! You're going to survive, you can't die! Yo-you can't leave me. Please, don't leave me!" You cry into her shoulder as you hug her.

"(Y/n), I need you to do one last thing for me-" your mother starts to say before you cut her off.

"Anything, mom, anything," you answer.

You see your mother smile at you before her eyes widen in fear, "run! (Y/n), I need you to run and never look back!"

"But mom-"

"RUN!" She yells while shoving you in the opposite direction. You have failed to notice the presence that has appeared at the door, but your mom has.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" An unknown voice says from behind you. You whip around to face the intruder.

He steps into the room and you notice the blood stained katana he holds in his hand. You stand up and place yourself between him and your mom.

"So, the little runt decided to show up," he smirks at you from where he stands in the doorway.

You are about to charge at him until you feel a firm hand on your shoulder keeping you in place. You turn your head to see that your mother is now standing up, and is now moving in front of you.

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