3. Kakashi's Survival Test

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You wake up a bit later than usual. Even though Kakashi said to meet at 5 am, you know him better than that. You know he won't show up for at least another three or four hours after the designated meeting time. So you decide to let yourself sleep in a bit, and then head down to the training field.

It's about 7:30 am by the time you actually get up and prepare for the day. You take a quick shower and dress into your ninja clothes, which are the same as yesterday. You grab an apple and head out the door.

By the time you get to the training field, it's around 8:30 am. He should be here in about 30 minutes.

"You're late!" Both Sakura and Naruto yell as soon as they see you. Sasuke just glances in your direction.

"Still earlier then our sensei," you reply, shrugging your shoulders. They just sigh in response.

About 30 minutes later, just like you predicted, Kakashi decides to finally show up.

"Morning everyone, ready for your first day?" He asks casually.

"Hey, you're late!" Naruto and Sakura exclaim, pointing at Kakashi.

"Well, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way," he replies while Naruto just sighs in frustration. "Well, let's get started."

"Huh?" Naruto says, staring at Kakashi as he places a timer on top of a training post.

"Here we go, it's set for noon," Kakashi states as he clicks the topmost button on the timer. The three genin stare at him in confusion, making you sigh. Kakashi pulls three silver bells out of his weapons pouch. "Your assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it." He jingles the bells in front of him. "If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch." Naruto let out a sound of disbelief. "You'll be tied to those posts and you'll watch as I eat my lunch in front of you."

The three genin stare as their stomachs start to growl. So that's why he didn't want us to eat lunch. Good thing I ate something.

"Wait a minute," Sakura chimes in. "There's four of us, how come there's only three bells?"

"Well, that way, at least one of you will end up tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy," Kakashi answers her. Determined looks are on their faces. I guess they don't understand what this exercise is about. "Then again, all thr-four, all four of you could flunk out, too. You can use any weapons, including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells."

Sakura gasps, "those weapons are too dangerous, sensei!"

"Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser!" Naruto laughs.

You and Kakashi share a quick glance. 

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores. Losers," you see Naruto get an irk mark on his forehead. Naruto, don't do anything stupid. "When I say start, you can begin," Kakashi informs you.

You notice Naruto silently fuming beside you. He quickly grabs a kunai from his pouch and runs to attack Kakashi. In a flash, Kakashi grabs Naruto's arm and twists it so that Naruto's kunai is held at the back of his neck. Sakura and Sasuke are shocked. You just shake your head and tch, crossing your arms in the process.

"Don't be in such a hurry, I didn't say start yet," Kakashi smirks. Sasuke and Sakura back up a few steps, while Naruto struggles to get out of Kakashi's grip. He finally releases Naruto and you see their awe filled faces change into ones of determination. "But, you came at me with the full intention of destroying me, so, how can I say this, I'm actually starting to like you guys."

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