5. The Demon of the Hidden Mist

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A heavy mist surrounds all of you as you make your way quietly to the Land of Waves. All that is heard is the sound of the oars hitting the water, propelling the boat forwards.

"This fog's so thick, you can't see anything," Sakura states the obvious. You roll your eyes.

It's quiet again for a few moments before the captain speaks, "the bridge isn't far now, our destination's just ahead. The Land of Waves."

You notice a giant bridge appear to your right and you smirk. You see Naruto with a huge grin on his face. Oh no.

"Woah! It's huge!" He exclaims loudly. You narrow your eyes at him and hit him across the back of the head. "Hey! What was that-"

"Quiet!" Naruto is cut off by the captain. "I told you no noise! Why do you think we're travelling like this, huh? Cutting off the engine and rowing. Moving through the dense fog so they don't see us."

Naruto covers his mouth with his hand and rubs the back of his head where you hit him. You see everyone's serious expressions. You sigh.

"Mr. Tazuna," you hear Kakashi start to say. "Before we reach the pier, I want to ask you something. The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore." 

You nod you head and narrow your eyes at Tazuna, curious to know the truth.

"Hmm, I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want you to know the truth. Like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who casts a very long and deadly shadow," Tazuna replies. You all stare at him.

"Deadly shadow?" Kakashi inquires. "Hn, who is it?"

"You know him. At least, I'm sure you've heard his name before. He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The shipping magnet, Gato," Tazuna informs you. Your eyes and Kakashi's eye widen at the name.

"Gato? Of Gato transport? He's a business leader, everyone knows him," Kakashi asks, surprised.

"Who, who? What, what?" Naruto leans in. You roll your eyes at him. Of course he wouldn't know.

"Gato, is a very powerful tycoon from a famous company, that's true. But below the surface, with the same ruthless methods he uses to take over businesses and nations, he sells drugs and contraband, using gangs, and ninja," Tazuna explains. "It was one year ago when Gato first set his sight on the Land of Waves. He came to our island and used his vast wealth to take total control of our transport and shipping. Anyone who tried to stand in his way simply, disappeared. In an island nation, a man who controls the sea, controls everything. Finance, government, our very lives. But there's one thing he fears. The bridge. When it is complete, it will join us to the land and that will break his control. I, am the bridge builder," Tazuna finishes. No shit.

"So that's it, since you're in charge of the bridge, you're standing in this gangster's way," Sakura observes. You all nod your head in understanding.

"That means those guys we fought in the forest, they were working for Gato," Sasuke adds.

"Well, they weren't working off their own accord," you half scoff, everyone nods. You see Naruto thinking really hard.

"I don't understand, if you knew he was dangerous, knew he'd send ninja to eliminate you. Why did you hide that from us?" Kakashi asks. You nod your head in agreement.

"Because, the Land of Waves, is a small and poverish nation. Even our nobles have little money. The common people who are building this bridge, they can't pay for an A or B ranked mission. It's too expensive. If you end the mission when you drop me ashore, there will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home. But, don't feel bad about that. Of course, my sweet little grandson might be upset, he'll cry, 'granddad, I want my granddad!'" Tazuna says, trying to guilt trip you. You can tell it's working. "Oh, and my daughter will condemn the ninja of the hidden leaves, denouncing and blaming you for abandoning her father and living her life in sorrow."

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