10. Return Of The Cow

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The next day, you wake up early, feeling groggy. You decide to sleep in a bit since you're not really doing anything today. After a few more hours of sleeping, you wake up, get ready for the day and head to the kitchen to get some food. You notice Naruto is the only one missing from the room. Hm, he probably spent the night training again.

"He's gone completely crazy, he's out climbing trees in the dark," Sakura says sleepily. "He could be dead by now, ya'know, from using up too much of his chakra."

"Well, I certainly hope he's okay. A child, spending the night in the woods alone," Tsunami states worriedly.

"There's nothing to worry about-" Kakashi starts to say.

"Yeah, Naruto's fine, I know he is. He can handle himself," you chime in as you take a seat beside Sakura at the table. She glances at you as you sit, you give her a reassuring smile.

"Sakura's right. Naruto's such a loser, he's probably lying out there dead somewhere," Sasuke pipes up. You just roll your eyes as he stands up and starts to walk to the door.

"Ye of little faith," you mutter loud enough to be heard.

"Sasuke?" Sakura inquires.

"I'm going for a walk," he bluntly replies.

"I'll come with you," you say while standing up. He just nods his head and opens the door. You follow behind him and close the door behind you.

The first few minutes of walking is quiet between the two of you. You notice the birds chirping and the sound of water brushing against the shore. 

I feel so peaceful right now. You sigh.

"Hey, um, Sasuke?" You inquire.

"Hn," is his response.

"I need to tell you something, something important," you say while taking a brief pause. He just stares at you, waiting for you to continue. "I told Sakura last night, and I'm probably going to tell Naruto this later. I'm a Jonin, not Genin and I'm actually a lot more experienced than you think. I was given a mission from Lord Hokage to go back to the academy and go undercover, hence why I'm here. So, yeah..." you trail off.

Sasuke just stares straight ahead. You sweatdrop.

"Oh yeah, and my parents were murdered in front of me and the murderer is still out there. He burned my house to the ground," you state casually. Sasuke stops walking and stares at you.

"Why are you telling me this now?" He asks.

"Because I trust you. Plus, something might happen that could reveal things and I don't want it to be a surprise," you say while he nods his head in understanding.

"Okay, well," he pauses unsure of what to say. "Thanks. You know, for telling me."

"No problem! What's a team without trust?" You say while smiling, he gives a small one back.

You both are quiet again for a few minutes as you walk through the woods. You see a boy walking towards you. That's the same presence I sensed when we fought Zabuza. That means... You walk past each other like nothing happened. I must inform Kakashi.

You spot Naruto sitting under a tree up ahead. His arms are crossed and he's mumbling about something.

"So, you thought he was a she, didn't you?" You say while giggling, causing Naruto to look up from the ground just in time to get hit on the head by Sasuke.

"Hey! What was that for? Cut it out!" Naruto exclaims.

"Hey twerp, did you just forget about breakfast? You're such a loser," Sasuke states while crossing his arms. Naruto just laughs and smiles causing Sasuke to scowl. You giggle at their antics and you all head back to the house.

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