4. A Real Mission

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"Sasuke, I'm at point B," you hear Sasuke say through the earpiece.

"Sakura, I'm at point C," Sakura says next.

"(Y/n), point D," you inform your team. A few moments pass by before you hear another response.

"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it!" He says.

"You're slow, Naruto," Kakashi scolds. "Okay, squad seven. Hmm? Target has moved! Follow it!"

You see a black shape dart past and you all quickly follow it. It stops and you all surround it from a distance.

"Over there," Naruto observes.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asks through the headset.

"Five meters, I'm ready, just give the signal!" Naruto states.

"I'm ready too," Sasuke replies.

"So am I!" Sakura says firmly.

"Yep," you say with a slight head nod even though no one can see you.

"Okay," you hear Kakashi pause. "Now!"

You all rush out of your hiding spots and Naruto catches the cat around its midsection. It whines in protest.

"I got em, I got em!" Naruto exclaims as the cat struggles to get free. It starts to claw at his face.

"Can you verify red ribbon on right ear?" Kakashi asks.

"Affirmative, we got a positive ID," Sasuke replies. You and Sakura just watch as Naruto gets clawed by the cat.

"Lost pet, Tora, captured. Mission accomplished," Kakashi tells you. You smirk as you take out your earpiece.

"Can't we get a better mission than this? I HATE CATS!" Naruto screams, probably damaging the ears of whoever left their earpiece in. 

Good thing I took it out, even if I was standing right beside him. You think while rubbing the side of your head.

"Geez Naruto, no need to yell," you say calmly as you take the cat from him. The cat immediately calms down.

"Oh, sorry (Y/n)," Naruto blushes while scratching the back of his neck. Sasuke notices and 'Hn's. Sakura just sighs.

You all make you way towards where Kakashi is and then make your way to the mission's office. The cat falls asleep in your arms and looks adorable. As you're walking, you nudge whoever it is that's walking beside you. It just so happened to be Sakura.

"Hey, look at this cutiepie," you say. You see Sakura notice what you mean, also noticing how you've seemed to catch Sasuke's attention as well.

"Aww! Look at him! He's adorable!" Sakura replies while scratching the cats head. You nod.

You eventually get into the office and see the Wife of the Land of Fire's Feudal Lord, Madame Shijimi. Once she sees you holding her cat, she rushes over to you. The cat, sensing danger, is now awake and trembling in your arms. The cat looks at you with a pleading look, saying, 'please don't let her take me!' You just give it a sad look and scratch behind its ears. 

"Sorry, little guy," you say as you hand him over to Madame Shijimi. As soon as she has the cat in her grip, she squishes it in a bone crushing hug.

"Aww, my poor little Tora, mommy was so worried about her naughty little fuzzikins, yes!" She smothers the cat while the cat tries to escape.

"Hahaha! Stupid cat! That kitty deserves to be squashed! Hahaha!" Naruto laughs, you narrow your eyes at him.

"That cat doesn't deserve to be treated like that," you state, Naruto notices the way you're looking at him and stops laughing.

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