13. The Battle Continues to Its End

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The wide eyes of your clone continue to watch Naruto and Sasuke within the dome as your mind reals on what could have happened to Sakura. Clearly, nothing has happened to you since the clone has not dispersed, so you think that it's probably about Kakashi. You just hope he's okay.

You notice notice Naruto start to build up a bit of chakra before charging once more at the mirrors before him. However, Haku is again able to keep up with him, and even with Sasuke's warning shout, Naruto gets bombarded by senbon, causing him to fly backwards onto the ground.

Sasuke rushes over to him, standing over Naruto's body. You can see his eyes moving around, looking for a way out. He grits his teeth as Haku taunts him once more, sending senbon flying in his direction. To Haku's surprise, Sasuke grabs a discarded senbon from the ground and manages to block each of the ones Haku threw towards him.

Nice, Sasuke! You nod in acknowledgment, grin tugging at your clone's lips.

"Get up, loser, we've got to team up," you hear Sasuke instruct Naruto as Naruto struggles to get back up.

"I know what we have to do, believe it, Sasuke," Naruto grunts, turning over so he can sit up.

More senbon rain down upon them, but Sasuke blocks them all, even the ones meant for Naruto. This fact causes you to smile slightly. So, he's finally thinking about teamwork and protecting Naruto as well as himself.

The two of them bicker slightly back and forth with Sasuke telling Naruto to get up and help him. However, before Naruto can get back onto his own two feet, he's passing out. This causes your eyes to widen, worried for his being, but you know that he's okay, just passed out at the moment due to using your abilities to sense his chakra and state of being. That being said, it looks as if Sasuke is unaware of this, and combined with Haku's words about Naruto being finished, you can tell it's coming as a shock to him.

"Impressive," Haku compliments, throwing more senbon at Sasuke only for him to dodge them, "but you've reached your limits as well."

You hear Haku telling Sasuke that his functions are weakening and slowing, and you grit your teeth as you can sense it to be true. However, you want to give Sasuke a chance to prove himself and overcome this before stepping in.

In a flash, more senbon are launched at Sasuke, only for him to quickly grab Naruto's limp body and jump out of the way. You mentally cheer for him, happy to see that Sasuke definitely still has some fight left in him.

Naruto lets out a faint grunt when Sasuke drops him back to the ground, and the next time you see Sasuke's eyes, you smirk. Sasuke has finally activated his own sharingan.

You notice Haku contemplating his next move. Observing carefully, you know that Haku won't recklessly attack Sasuke now, seeing as he has also seen Sasuke's sharingan. However, seeing Haku's gaze zero in on Naruto, you know exactly what Haku's strategy will be to wear Sasuke down: attacking Naruto.

As Haku exits the mirror to go after Naruto, Sasuke immediately takes off in his direction, chakra radiating off of him as you notice he's focussing his chakra to his feet once more for speed. You nod subtly at his strategy, watching with bated breath what will happen. Your clone knows that you'll more than like disperse yourself soon so that the real you can handle this situation. You just hope that whatever has happened where the real you is has been taken care of and neutralized.

Meanwhile, you stand beside a shocked Sakura with equal surprise on your face as you see Kakashi now in front of the both of you, as well as Tazuna, bleeding. He had jumped in front of Zabuza's blade just as he swung in to attack the two of you girls in order to get to the bridge builder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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