7. The Copycat in Action

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Shock crosses Zabuza's face as he realizes he can't stop Naruto's kunai. Zabuza is forced to release his water prison on Kakashi. Kakashi falls into the water as Zabuza pulls his hand out of the water sphere. Zabuza turns around and starts twirling the shuriken in his hand, aiming it at Naruto who is still falling towards the water.

"I'll destroy you!" Zabuza says, about to throw the shuriken.

Before Zabuza gets a chance to release the shuriken, Kakashi stops it with the metal on the back of his glove. Naruto falls into the water. 

Ouuu, Kakashi looks pissed. You smirk.

Sakura gasps, "Kakashi-sensei!"

"Naruto, that was an excellent plan. You've really grown, haven't you?" Kakashi asks.

Naruto laughs, "I knew I couldn't beat him with my shadow clones, that was just to distract him. While he fought the clones, I turned into the Demon Wind Shuriken. He didn't know what to do, believe it!" Naruto exclaims cheerfully. "I used one of the clones to transform into the shuriken, and when I threw it to Sasuke, it looked like a real shuriken. Sasuke and (Y/n) could tell it was me in a second. He spun around, quickly passing me to (Y/n) who cloaked herself behind Sasuke while no one could see, and he pulled out his own shuriken. Now there were two shuriken! One was real, one was me! (Y/n) timed it so I was hidden in the shadow of the real shuriken, and our target was the real Zabuza. 'Course I knew I couldn't fight Zabuza by myself, that wasn't in the game plan. I wanted to get in there and break up his water prison. I didn't know his clone would be wrecked too. That was a bonus, believe it!" Naruto explains while keeping afloat in the water. He's a lot smarter than people give him credit for.

"Don't brag, you just lucked out," Sasuke says with a small smile.

"Well, I think that was pretty amazing. Great job Naruto!" You say while smile at him. You see Sasuke grimace and Naruto disappears under the water for a few seconds. When he reappears, his face is a bright red colour. You notice Sakura blushing too.

"THE WHOLE THING WAS JUST A FLUKE!" Tazuna yells. You smirk.

You look at Sakura and can tell immediately what she's thinking. "You're right, Sakura. It was really flawless teamwork. They should do it more often," you finish with a smile while her blush deepens.

"Hn, I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison," Zabuza tries to say.

"Don't flatter yourself," you and Kakashi say at the same time.

"You weren't distracted, you were forced to let go," Kakashi states.

"Huh," Zabuza grunts.

You see Sasuke get into a fighting stance and Naruto grinning cheekily in the water.

"Your technique worked on me once, but it won't work on me again," Kakashi states. "So, what's it gonna be?"

All is still as the two jonin glare at each other.

"Sakura, (Y/n), you know what to do," you hear Sasuke say. You both nod and get into a protective stance. You in front of Sasuke and Sakura who are standing in front of Tazuna.

Zabuza grunts and closes the shuriken so all four blades are being pushed into Kakashi's hand. Kakashi manages to fling the shuriken to the side and the two jump back, preparing to use a jutsu. Don't mess up Kakashi.

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