12. An Intense Battle

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A small silence settles over the battlefield as you all stare at Naruto who has just appeared.

"Now that I'm here, everything will be alright," Naruto comments, smugly.

"Took you long enough," you smirk as Tazuna gasps.

"Naruto!" Sakura exclaims, in awe at his arrival.

"You know in stories how the hero usually shows up at the last minute, and then kicks butt?" Naruto asks, pointing in the general direction of where Haku is. "Well that's what I'm going to do! Believe it!"

"Ugh, this brat again," Zabuza stares Naruto down from over his shoulder.

You can feel the tension rising in the air, and looking over to Kakashi reveals the slight disappointment on his face. He's probably thinking about how Naruto could have been more effective in the battle if he had stayed hidden.

"You know Naruto, charging in to make a statement," you sigh, amusement clear in your voice. "Glad you could make it in time."

Haku seems to be staring at Naruto absentmindedly, and you wonder what he's thinking about. Your eyes narrow slightly as you recall feeling his presence that morning you went with Sasuke to check on Naruto, passing by that boy in the woods. He's probably thinking about that.

"Alright! You're history," Naruto exclaims, making a hand-sign in the next moment. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Before the jutsu can take effect, Zabuza flings multiple shuriken at him, causing Naruto's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Naruto, move!" Kakashi commands, but Naruto stays frozen to his spot, panic clear on his face.

Just as you're about to throw your own shuriken to counter Zabuza's, Haku releases some senbon which collide with the aforementioned weapons, causing them to fall to the ground. Needless to say, shock appears on all of your faces.

"They didn't get him," Sakura states the obvious, as you've come to expect. You relax your tense shoulders, releasing the hold you have on your own shuriken and letting them stay in your tool pouch.

"Their weapons canceled each other's out, amazing," Tazuna says. "That's what I call lucky, I think."

"Luck doesn't have much to do with that," you comment, narrowing your eyes suspiciously at Haku, not knowing what he has planned. Your resolve to stay out of this fight is waning, and you're not sure how much longer you'll be able to remain neutral, despite Kakashi's orders.

"What are you doing, Naruto, are you crazy?" Sakura scolds.

"This is a battle, not a talent show!" Kakashi adds. "Don't let your opponent see your jutsu!"

"Naruto, while I agree with these two, take it easy and don't get over excited," you say, and watch his shoulders deflate slightly. "However, you two," your gaze shifts to Sakura and Kakashi briefly, "he just got overexcited and wants to help his friends. I'm sure he's not the only one to ever make a mistake like this."

She cares about me, Naruto's eyes shine with adoration as he looks at you, while you notice Sakura hang her head slightly in shame, and Kakashi look at you from the corner of his eye.

"Regardless, the shinobi's art is deception. Always keep the enemy guessing," Kakashi states. "Even when executing a single jutsu, one must distract their opponents attention. Catch them off balance, and out maneuver them. You just turn yourself into a human target when you enter a battle like that."

"Ahhh! I'm sorry! I was just tryna rescue everybody!" Naruto shouts, hands coming up to grab his head. Protecting (Y/n) was the only thing on my mind, other than impressing them. Now what am I gonna do?

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