2. Squad Up

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You are just in your apartment getting ready for bed when you hear a commotion outside. It sounds like a bunch of ninja running and yelling on the rooftops. It sounds like they are searching for Naruto again.

I wonder what he's gotten himself into this time, you think as you open your window and call out to one of the passing ninja. With your luck, it just so happens to be Iruka.

"Ruka! What's going on?" You call out to him.

"Oh, (Y/n). It's Naruto again, he stole the Scroll of Sealing!" Iruka frantically exclaims.

"He did what?" You shout, shocked. "I know Naruto can be a real idiot sometimes, but I doubt he would do something as stupid as that on his own. Be careful Iruka. I would help, but I'm supposed to be laying low until the morning of orientation."

"I think you're right (Y/n), thanks. I'll see you during orientation then," Iruka nods, rushing off towards the woods in the next moment. You watch as his figure disappears into the trees.

"Good luck," you whisper as you shut your window. 

Climbing into bed, you know that Iruka will be able to handle the situation. You can always ask him about it later, during orientation. With that thought, you drift off to sleep.

*Orientation Day*

You wake up early in the morning, feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep. You make your way to the the bathroom and have a quick shower. You then dry your hair and brush your teeth. You get dressed into black leggings, a black tank top, and a (Fav/c) hoodie and finished brushing out your long, (H/c) hair. You make your way into the kitchen and make yourself some breakfast.

Orientation day, here I come. Again, you think with a slight roll of your eyes, putting on your black ninja shoes, and locking your front door once your step outside.

You make your way to the academy, letting out a sigh along the way. You stop just outside the doors, just staring at the building in front of you. 

Might as well get this over with. You're about to start walking again when you feel a fast moving presence coming up from behind you, as if two people are in a race. You quickly side-step them and watch as two girls race inside of the academy. You silently follow after them, observing their odd behaviour.

You make your way to Iruka's classroom and hear a whole bunch of commotion going on inside. You step into the room and notice Naruto glaring daggers at an Uchiha. No one has noticed you yet, and you aren't about to make your presence known right away; you like to observe the situation before getting involved. That is, until the guy behind Naruto accidentally pushes him into the Uchiha, making their lips meet in an unsuspecting kiss. You burst out laughing.

"I've heard of the phrase 'keeping your friends close, and keeping your enemies closer,' but I'm pretty sure that's not what it meant," you chuckle to yourself.

Everyone turns to stare at you, some in shock, others in awe. That is, until a girl with pink hair seems to have remembered what has just happened moments ago. She has a murderous glint in her eyes and you can tell what is coming next.

"Na-ru-to... I was supposed to be Sasuke's first kiss!" She yells while whipping around to face Naruto again. 

Who's to say he hasn't already kissed someone, I mean, he is seventeen... you find yourself giggling to yourself, noticing how the Uchiha's eyes linger on your figure a little longer.

The girls seem to follow Sakura's lead in ganging up against Naruto with others mumbling about how they were supposed to be Sasuke's first kiss. You see Naruto visibly pale as you walk over to the group of genins.

The Kids of Yesterday {Various!Naruto X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now