H26, 27, 28, 29 - Awesome Trio

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@Oliver_Cupcakes Thank you for waiting :3


• Only Prussia and Denmark know about America's lightweight problem when drinking (refer to Headcanon 18), so as the great friends they are, they would occasionally slip alcohol in Al's drinks and wait for the magic to happen.

• Despite that, Prussia and Denmark are actually really fussy on America's behalf, making sure he's growing up properly and all that. England knows this, and was forced to send a list of what to do when taking care of America:

How To Take Care of America:

6:30: Wake Up Time. If he doesn't get up, then threaten to eat all the breakfast food. He'll come rushing down the stairs.

• Make sure he takes a bath and is well-dressed before letting him have breakfast.

• Make sure he chews his food properly. If not, threaten to withhold Mr. Bear from him. Make sure he doesn't cry, though.

7:30: Stroll around the park. Make sure to always hold his hand. In extreme cases, put a leash on him.

8:00 to 11:00: Study Time. Make sure to start with Mathematics—it's his favorite.

10:00: Tea Break. America has hot cocoa, instead.

• Make sure to have made a batch of chocolate truffles the day before. It's America's personal favorite.

12:00: Lunch. France and Canada usually come over to help with lunch—Delicious boiled beef and Milk Pudding.

1:00 to 2:00: Nap Time with Canada. Usually he objects, so put Canada beside him, as he helps him go to sleep, as well as wearing his bear pajamas.

3:00: Tea Break with France. Let the kids have hot cocoa instead, and continue to gossip with Francis.

4:00 to 5:00: Play Time. Watch over America and Canada carefully, or continue to meddle with France. Either way, America will probably end up with a tiny wound that you'll have to kiss away. Either this, or take him out to the Markets for one hour.

6:00: Dinner Time with France and Canada.

8:00: Bed Time. Make sure he brushes his teeth, and the bear pajamas are optional at this point, but it helps him go to sleep.

• As cocky and self-praising they are, they're also really good with children.

• Despite their attitude, they all hope in secret of someone handsome, sweet, and romantic who will fully commit to a relationship with them.

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