H56 - 60 - America Headcanons!

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• America and Russia are one of those people who purposely annoy people shorter than them. They'll pat their hair teasingly and use their head as an armrest. Sometimes they'll even lift them up in the air and let them kinda...hang.

• America often uses puns while Nyotalia!America is a tad bit more mischievous and likes practical jokes, even to the extent of the victim getting potentially hurt.

• His favorite South Park character is Kenny.

• Alfred adores knowledge. He values knowing more than feeling, and has the tendency to do things like eavesdrop into people's conversations, or observing people really closely just to find out the tiniest bit of information about them. He's very willing to go to deep lengths despite other people's well being.

• He has the terrible habit of drumming his fingers loudly on smooth surfaces like tables. He also hums while doing so.


I can explain.

I'm really sorry if I'm not updating frequently enough (u_u). If anything, I'm just really busy. A lot of my free time goes into studying or writing for my other books, and since school is in the way, my priority for Wattpad has gotten pretty low. I'll try to update in normal increments, if by any chance I'm suddenly inspired to do so.


I'm working on something Hetalia related right now AND I have a lot of school related stuff to do so if you're hoping for this book to be updated again in normal increments, prepare to be disappointed. It's still in a very raw stage, don't get me wrong, but I'm still very excited! 

See ya

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