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Ahaha im still on haitus but I'm here bc this is the most productivity I can do in my current state.

Plus there's a deadline.

Thirteen question tag by CapsUnlock_ (13/10 friend would recommend checking out)

Here's the rules because there are rules apparently.

1. Posting the rules is a must.
2. Must tag thirteen people.
3. Answer the questions assigned to you and make up new questions for others to answer.
4. Tagging back is allowed.
5. Finish the tag in two weeks max
6. You must be creative with the tag title (daMMIT)

Let's go!

1. What continent do you live in?

Asia and its rlly hot cause I live near the equator

2. How do you imagine yourself as the main character in the last anime or movie you watched?

The last anime I watched is Tokyo Ghoul. That should be enough context.

3. What's the origin on your username?

I was looking through people's usernames and I always notice how people have the word 'sugar' in them, so I set my username as 'Sourtops' as a rebellion against username conformity.

Not sure where the '-top' came from though.

Plus I love things that taste sour.

4. Do you like your school? Why or why not?

I like my school! The teachers are nice, my mom works there, and I genuinely enjoy studying...most of the time. Although being in an environment full of people drains my energy faster and I have trouble being awake during most lessons. Must I mention the slight language barrier I have with literally everyone?

5. What languages do you speak?

English and a bit of Filipino/Tagalog, my native language, as my mom taught me English first, as well as to all my siblings, hence why I struggle speaking the latter. (Refer to question 4)

6. What is your personality type?

So I took a quiz to figure it out.

So I took a quiz to figure it out

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I am an INFP apparently

7. Which character/s do you share looks with and personalities from?

Gosh diddly dang that's tricky.

I'd say Terezi from Homestuck has a bit of my looks, I guess. I've also mentioned once that I look a lot like Frisk from Undertale, especially when I was a little kid.

I can't really find a character that suits my personality, but I'll just say that I'm a lot like Hide from Tokyo Ghoul. Other times, I'm a bit like Asgore from Undertale.

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