Chapter Two

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Six weeks after the accident, I was wheeling myself down my schools corridors for the first time. I could finally care for myself instead of having someone help me. Over the past few weeks, I had needed someone to help me get into my wheelchair, in and out of the bath and even to just dish up food for me.
Yesterday, the cast on my wrist was finally taken off so I could do things myself.
I had bluntly refused to go to therapy to help me learn how to walk again, I already missed the biggest dance competition of my life, what more had I to lose?
"I wonder if you'll be in the same school as Reegs. Wouldn't that be shitty?" Sage said, opening my locker for me since I couldn't reach.
"I swear I will literally wheel right over that Kylisha's fake tanned feet," I spat. "Best she doesn't come near me cause she'll be in more than just a wheelchair."
Sage laughed loudly, shaking her head.
"I am completely serious," I glared. "I don't even want to move. The only reason my parents have given me for moving is that there are more job opportunities. My dad has a good enough job here. It's pointless."
"I'm sure it won't be that bad, we only have a year left. And obviously I'll be coming there every holiday to visit my dad so you'll see me now and then," Sage gave me a remorseful smile. "And I'll tell Reegan to stay away from you, if that would make it easier."
"You're honestly the bestest friend ever," I sigh. "Can you steer me? My arms are pooped."
She put our textbooks into my lap and grabbed onto the handlebars of my wheelchair, walking to our next class. I was so grateful that we had every class together.
"Who even knows, you might meet someone way better than Reegs in Adelaide. I've heard the boys there are smoking hot. Like you could literally cook an egg on their abs," Sage gushes. "If I wasn't dating Kris, I would be all up in that."
"You're disgusting, I swear," I laugh at her. "I hope the girls there are nice and not potatoes with carrots up their asses."
"I've got a friend there, her name is Avery. I'll tell her to meet up with you and maybe you two can become best buds. She's super nice and has a great personality," she stops outside our literature class to let others walk in. "Then you won't be as lonely. I've heard of this Kelly bitch and in my opinion, she's probably already spread things about you around the school."
"It's not to say that I'm going there though," I shrug as we go to our desks.
"It's basically the only high school in Adelaide so..." She purses her lips. "Like I'm pretty sure."
I bang my forehead onto the table as I groan.
"That's just perfect. I'll get there and everyone will think I'm the bad one," I sigh. "I can't believe Reegan could go for her."
"So I, uh, found something out," Sage says softly, grimacing.
I raise my eyebrows at her. It must be bad.
"She's only a freshman," she nods. "Like she's literally only turning sixteen sometime towards the end of this year."
My mouth falls open as my eyes widen.
"Is that even legal?" I yell and people turn towards me. "He left me for some kindergarten toddler?"
"Well technically, you left him."
"Whose side are you even on?" I spit.
She laughs at me.
"Yours obviously. But I need the truth for when I stick up for you in court for killing someone," she giggles. "Seeing as we only turn eighteen in a few months, she's not that much younger than us. But she's still a freshman and that's disgusting. According to Reegs, she's highly annoying and acts way too mature for her age. Like doing her eyebrows, contouring her face, wearing booty shorts, all that hoohaa. He also said that she would basically force him to drink a lot more alcohol than what he intended to. So it was like majorly her fault for what happened. Reegan said he got so drunk, he didn't even remember his own name. Like the one time he only had two drinks and woke up in her bed, not remembering a single thing. She was drugging his drinks."
My heart softened as I heard what really went on.
"Really? How mean is that," I sighed. "I should've given him a chance to explain that but he was being so asshole-ish to me. Saying I don't need to bitch about it."
"I get that that was rude of him, but I think you guys should really just have a calm talk about this," she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"I don't think I'd be able to trust him again. It was his fault for it because after the first time, he should've stopped hanging out with her. But he continued getting drunk with her and having sex with her," I looked down, sighing loudly.
Sage looked at me with a sad expression on her face. She knew how much I had actually wanted to be with Reegan. I had basically grown up with them and as puberty hit, I noticed him a lot more. I was ecstatic the first time he had asked me out on a date, I had always wanted to be with him.
Now I had lost him because of some trashy fifteen year old. I couldn't even believe this.
"God, I'm so frustrated because of this. How dare she? How even dare he?" I hit my palm onto my desk. "Is he even telling the truth right now? Why would she even want him? He's probably so out of her league. She probably looks like a moth."
"She does look a bit grotesque, I must say," Sage sighed. "But anyone looks good when you're drunk."
"Please don't justify his actions. I know you're his sister but I'm still just a person," I looked up at her.
"Of course not," she shook her head. "What he did was so very wrong on so many levels. But I still advise you to have a normal conversation with him."
"Yeah. I guess I'll do that when I see him down there," I shrug.
Like I was going to talk to him when that crazy baboon was in the same school.

Reegan Holland

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