Chapter Thirteen

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Sage walked into my cupboard, getting on her hands and knees and digging through my pajamas.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
There was a muffled reply and Avery laughed.
"She's got your bra on her head," she managed to blurt out.
I scoffed jokingly and shuffled my way to my cupboard, peeking in. Sure enough, Sage sat there with my bra on her head, giggling to herself.
"What are you even doing?" I laughed.
"Stuff," she stuck her tongue out.
She then returned to digging through my pajamas before pulling out my silk booty shorts and the matching silk tank top.
"You're wearing this for the sleepover," she announced.
"I thought you said-" I started.
"I know what I said, hoe," she gave me a dumbfounded expression. "But I changed my mind."
I raised my eyebrows at her while pursing my lips.
"I'm not going to do anything like that," I emphasize. "Especially not with you two around."
"Well we could join in," Avery adds.
"Definitely. We could make Reegan our kitten," Sage laughed.
"That's your brother!" I shriek. "And I'm not into doing girls, thank you very much."
"Pssh, you'd totally do us," Avery scoffs.
"Of course, I wish I could have sex with you guys every second of every day for the rest of my life," I say, dreamily.
"Knew it," Sage shakes her head mockingly.
"Dumbasses," sarcasm oozes from my voice and they shove me onto my bed.
"Just wear these damn pajamas, woman," Sage shoves the clothing on my stomach.
"Alright, but nothing's happening, seriously," I say, taking off my shirt.
I struggle my way into the pajamas, the shorts fitting a bit too tight on my butt and the top emphasizing my cleavage.
Avery whistles.
"I'd do you if I was Reegan. You've got the perfect body," she whines.
"Right?" Sage agrees. "Big bum, big boobs, the tiniest waist ever. You're so perfect. It's unfair. Give some ass over here."
I laugh at them as I strap my leg braces back on.
"Uh, that's ruining the outfit," Sage points out.
"Should I snake slide my way throughout the night?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Duh," Avery playfully rolls her eyes.
I giggle, shaking my head at them.
"Next we're fixing this," she gestures towards my head and face with a grimace.
Sage shoves me towards my dressing table and pushes me onto the seat.
"That's not nice," I whine.
"I'm not nice so hush," she snaps.
I mimic her silently and she swats me over the head with my hairbrush.
"Bitch," I whisper, closing my eyes.
Avery laughs, rubbing an avocado mask onto my face as Sage grabs sections of my hair, pulling it through my straightener.
"Your hair has gotten so much longer, Ambs, I'm so jealous. It grows so fast," Sage sighs.
"Well I don't blow dry or straighten it like ever so it's healthy," I shrug, not really knowing where my hair fell to by now.
I feel Avery wiping the mask off my face and then putting cream on it.
"You're gonna clog my pores," I mention.
"You have like zero beauty routines yet you're so stunning, not a blemish. No hair styling yet bum length hair. No exercising and you eat like an elephant yet you're the tiniest here. You're a damn alien," Avery says. "How is that even possible? I have to use hair masks for growth and my hair is only under my boobs. I use like three face washes to not have a single zit. I go to gym like four times a week."
"Right? She's so lucky," Sage says. "It took me from like the seventh grade to get my hair this long and this hoe grows hers in less than a year. And she's always been skinny and never dieted and I've been on so many diets. I had to go to a dermatologist to clear my skin."
"Are you shit talking or praising?" I laugh. "I leave myself natural, it works. Try it."
I open my eyes when Sage is done and look in the mirror.
"I look normal," I raise an eyebrow.
Sage glares at me and I laugh.
My hair is ruler straight and is touching my thighs as I sit. I realize now that is has gotten quite longer. My face looked fresh and smooth.
"I'm a sex robot now," I gloat and my two friends laugh at me.
They then proceed to get into their own pajamas and do their own hair. Avery throws her hair up in a messy bun while Sage ties hers up into a high ponytail.
"Well it's almost seven, he should be here soon," Sage says.
"Let's go set up the living room for movies so long," I say.
We make our way to the living room and I stand to the one side, letting Sage and Avery set everything up.
They shove the mattresses that we took from my and the spare rooms bed together and put the couches around them before throwing a ton of pillows into it and topping it off with four thick fluffy blankets.
"I want the hands above the blankets at all times," Sage gives me a look.
I roll my eyes playfully at her before falling into our bed heap..
"I'll search for new movies so long," I tell them as they head to the kitchen.
I clicked through Netflix, my eyes scanning the lists of movies as my mind wanders.
My stomach was in knots. I was seeing Reegan again and telling him how I really feel about everything. I was determined to sort everything out once and for all. I could only hope he wasn't angry at me after I blew up on him like that. Sage did say he's wrapped around my finger which I didn't believe. I always thought it was the other way around. I used to go out of my way for him, do anything I could to feel his love or to have him look at me like I'm a million dollars. He was always the one that wore the pants in the relationship. I was feisty, yes, but I was soft when it came to him.
The moving of the mattress broke me from my thoughts and Sage plonked a bowl of gummy bears in front of me. I grinned at her.
"Reegan texted me. He's like here already," she told me. "I'll go wait at the door."
My stomach flipped and I shoved the gummy bears aside. Avery gave me a hopeful smile.
I heard the front door open and voices. Sage's voice suddenly sounded angry. A set of footsteps then made their way to the living room and I hurriedly got up onto my feet, smoothing out my clothing.
I looked up, Reegan raking his eyes up and down my body.
"You're more stunning than the day I met you," he breathes.
I grin, my face heating up as I take a step forward.
I immediately stop in my tracks, my smile falling from my face as I see who walks in next.
"Nice place you got," the she-devil says.
My face drains. Sage stands behind her.
"I'm so sorry, I really didn't know about this," she says to me.
I look at Reegan, holding Kelly's hand.

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