Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Walk to me, Bam," Reegan urged.
I carefully stood up from the chair, feeling foreign without leg braces.
"You can do it," Jennifer smiled.
I gripped the crutch, bending my knee and taking a careful step forward. It felt as if my legs were about to crumple under me.
I repeated what I had done with my other leg, taking careful steps forward, my knuckles turning white from how hard I was gripping the crutch.
"You're doing it, you're walking," Reegan laughed.
A small smile fluttered onto my face and left just as quickly.
Once I had gotten the hang of moving my legs without my leg braces, it became a tad easier. I kept at a slow pace as I made my way to Reegan.
Once I reached him, he lifted me, a grin on his face.
"I'm so proud right now," he chuckled, setting me back on my feet.
"I'm proud as well," Jennifer said. "This took over a year."
"I can't walk completely just yet," I smiled at them. "I'll stumble if I had to try without these."
I shook the crutches to make my point.
"You'll get the hang of it," Jennifer smiled again. "By Monday you'll be walking."
A grin spread across my face and I felt a lump in my throat. I turned, walking slowly around the room.
"Thank you so much," Reegan said to Jennifer. "It's such a sight to see her walking again."
I couldn't believe that I was finally upright with no help but crutches.
Jennifer walked to me, wrapping one arm around my shoulders.
"I'm proud, Amber," she said, squeezing me. "You were so determined and your outcome was quick."
"Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you," I choked up.
"You walking is payment enough," she smiled. "And my salary, of course."
I laughed with her before turning to Reegan.
"Ready to go?" He asked, beaming at us.
I nodded, giving Jennifer a hug before shuffling towards Reegan.
"Thank you again," I said to her, following Reegan towards the exit.
"It's a pleasure, both of you. I don't want to see you here again, Amber," Jennifer joked.
I smiled at her before turning and walking through the exit.
"I can finally take a shower," I laughed, Reegan chuckling with me. "I've gotten so sick of bathing."
"I'm so proud, Bam," a small smile fluttering across his face.
He helped me into the car and soon we were on the road in the direction of my house.
"Your mom said that she's out with your father," Reegan said, pulling up in front of my house. "She won't be back until about ten."
"I hope they're not getting back together," I frowned. "She's just gotten happy again and she doesn't need him coming here and ruining everything again, despite him being my dad."
"Don't work yourself up about it," Reegan cupped my cheek. "It's probably about their financial issues. Your maintenance and schooling and such."
I nodded, getting out the car and leaning on my crutches. I passed one of them to Reegan and leaned onto only one now.
Reegan raised an eyebrow at me.
"It will get easier to walk if I push through this awkward feeling of my legs," I explained.
I hobbled my way into the house and went straight for my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, shaking my legs around to eliminate the feeling.
My muscles ached from months of not using them. The braces had practically been my legs.
I ran my hands down my legs, feeling how my thigh muscles clenched when I stretched them, feeling the eight inch scar on my calf muscle, feeling my joints pop in my ankles.
I could feel everything and I was happy.
I got up, barely needing the crutch anymore as I walked into my joint bathroom.
I turned the shower on, stripping quickly. I limped slightly when I got into the shower.
I sighed in relief when I was under the stream of water. I never knew I had such a nice shower in this house.
I squeezed shower gel onto a loofah and began scrubbing myself. I heard the bathroom door click shut and soon the shower door slid open.
Reegan got in, taking the loofah from me and scrubbing my back.
I relaxed into him, my head on his chest as he continued scrubbing me.
"You're even more beautiful than what I remember," he murmured, his fingers running through my hair.
I felt my cheeks warm at his comment and I looked up at him, a small smile on my face.
He had definitely gotten a lot more fit since I had last seen him naked. I ran my hands over his defined torso as he ducked his head down to kiss me.
What was supposed to be a gentle kiss soon turned into a passionate and hungry kiss. I was locked in between the wall and Reegan, my hands raking through his now went hair as his fingers curled around my hips.
I broke away, gasping for air as his mouth attacked my neck, covering me in goosebumps. His hands now roamed my body, cupping my butt to push me closer.
I inhaled sharply as I felt him pressed into my stomach.
"We should get out," he murmured in between nibbling my neck.
"Yes," I gasped. "Reegan. Please."
He pulled away from me and turned the water off. He got out before reaching back in and scooping me into his arms. I attacked his neck with kisses while he walked before I was dropped onto his bed, him hovering above me.
"Bam," he smiled before leaning in and kissing me again.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed while his hands drifted to my chest, making me moan.
His hands then went lower, making me clench my stomach muscles in anticipation. I felt his fingers in me and I let out a grateful moan.
"Hmm, I think you're ready," he grinned at me as I stared up at him.
He leaned towards his bedside table, his fingers leaving me. I heard a foil wrapper rip open and soon Reegan was above me again.
I hooked my legs around his hips as his hand gripped my own hands above my head. If I moved just an inch down, he would be inside me.
"Please don't make me wait," I breathed. "I need you. Please."
"I love when you're demanding," and with that he thrust into me.
A satisfied yell ripped out of me as he continued. I writhed under him, trying to keep up with my own thrusts. His hand left mine and I immediately attacked his back with my nails, senseless words escaping my mouth.
It had been so long since we had had sex and I was almost grateful. It felt better than before.
He grunted, indicating that he was close to his climax. I thrust my hips in a more co-ordinated manner to help him.
I felt my own climax shudder through me and I moaned loudly, my muscles clenching. Soon after, his climax came and he pressed himself deeper into me. I gasped, pleasure surging through my body.
It took him a while to calm his breathing and I opened my eyes to find him looking at me, a smile across his face.
"I love you so much," he said, rolling next to me.
I curled into him, my energy drained.
"I love you too."

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