Chapter Nine

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I pull my knees up to my chest with my hands, my wet eyes not focusing on what's playing on the TV. I was going onto my second week of staying off from school to learn how to walk. My mom had said it would also be a good time to recover from the shock of the news.
I sigh, looking at my phone for the hundredth time. Only three minutes have passed since the last check. I think back to a few nights ago when my parents decided to spill the beans.
"Well Ryan, Amber knows about the divorce, would you like to be the one to tell her why?" My mom spat.
My dad looked down, guilty, shaking his head.
"While we were still living in Cali, your father decided he needs more than one woman," my mom turns a glare towards him. "We already started the divorce process then and decided to buy this smaller house here. For me. And for you, if you choose to live with me."
"How could you, dad?" I whispered, hurt.
My dad avoided eye contact with us as my mom carried on talking.
"So your father said he'll buy this house for me, or for us, and so he did. And he's moving back to California, to the old house. The final court case will be here and then he's leaving, in about three or four months time. I'm sorry, honey, but you really need to choose who you want to live with. Of course we're not gonna hate you for choosing the other, it's entirely your decision," she says.
I nod in understanding.
"I'll decide and tell you guys later, alright?" I murmured.
They nodded. I couldn't believe that my mom went through the same thing I went through at the same time. I felt sad as I thought about her not being able to actually grieve over her pain.
My mom left the kitchen, leaving my dad and I in awkward silence.
"Why did you do it?" I demanded. "You're supposed to love mom."
"I do, but-"
"No! You wouldn't of if you loved her," I snapped. "People don't cheat on people that they love!"
My dads eyes darkened as he glared at me.
"So I guess Reegan never loved you then," he spat. "Don't you dare speak to me like that again."
"I will," I snarled back. "You didn't deserve all the love mom had for you if it ended up like this."
"Stay out of my affairs, Amber," he stood up, his eyes holding anger. "Or you'll regret it, I swear."
"Yeah, your affairs with other woman," I scoffed.
"Don't bother choosing me," he spat. "I don't want you in my house."
I obviously told my mom I'll be staying here. I had lost most of my respect for my dad but I knew he only said it out of anger.
"Hey, honey," my mom sat next to me. "Are you alright?"
I shook my head, looking up at her.
"It's not about me though, mom," I say. "You're losing the one you were supposed to have forever."
"I'm only supposed to have you forever," she smiles at me. "Would you like to invite some friends over?"
"Avery is busy at school," I shrug.
"And Reegan?" She asks. "I know that you two aren't the best of friends, you're barely friends, but it's good to start somewhere."
"Well he doesn't know about my leg braces yet," I fiddle with my hands. "I guess he could come over."
"It's not good to bottle your emotions up," she stands again, handing my phone to me. "Talk to him, you always used to confide in him. And he always listened to you and always rooted for you."
"I miss him," I choke out.
"I know you do," she gives me a sad smile. "Just talk to him."
I nod, going through my contacts to find his number as my mom walks out. I press the call button.
"Bam? Is everything fine?" He says after only halfway through the first ring.
"Everything's fine. Don't stress. I was just wondering if you'd like to do something. If you aren't busy already," I blurt.
"Of course," he says immediately. "Yes, that would be great. I'd love to see you."
"Okay well you can come over to my house right now if you want," I shrug even though he can't see me.
"Why aren't you at school?" He asks.
"That will all be explained here," I sigh. "It's a good and bad story."
"Do you want Chinese?" He inquires.
"You really know me so well," I giggle.
"I didn't spend most of my life with you for nothing," I could hear the smile in his voice.
I sigh, happily.
"I'll be there in like an hour," he says. "See you."
I say bye to him and hang up the phone, smiling widely.
"I couldn't help but eavesdrop," my mom sort of dances back into the lounge. "Was that a school girl giggle that I heard?"
"You're terrible!" I laugh. "But it maybe, sort of, possibly was."
She pokes her fingers into my side and I flail my arms about at the tickling, not being able to move anywhere.
Suddenly my leg shoots out from under me without me trying to move it. My mom and I stay silent then.
"Did you just see that?" I break the silence softly.
"Do it again," she whispers back.
"I didn't even try do that," I look at her.
I try move my leg again but find myself still only able to move my toes.
"Maybe you just pressed the nerve that my thigh muscle connects to," I shrug. "I did feel myself moving though so now I'm excited."
My mom grins back at me, standing up and bringing my leg braces to me.
"Let's put these on, hey?" She suggests and I nod.
She helps strap them onto me as we hear the front door slam close.
"He's in a mood again," she sighs. "The money he has to give me is a lot more than expected. And he has to pay maintenance for you. And he finds it unreasonable because you're almost eighteen. But you're disabled so he basically has to pay."
"I'm sorry," I say. "You shouldn't be going through a divorce. You and dad were so happy. What actually happened?"
"Well you remember all the times that your father had to work late or quickly pop into the office?" My mom asks.
"Yeah but how is that cheating?" I shrug.
"Well his assistant was some twenty something year old brown haired bimbo. Wearing suggestive outfits and such. And I guess your father just fell into her trap. While you were in hospital after the accident, I was by the hospital most of the time with you, remember? Well he stayed at home. But not alone though. I came home earlier than what I had told him one night and he happened to be on his way to the bedroom with her," she explains.
"Oh wow, mom, I'm so sorry," I say, frowning at her. "We're in the same boat."
"You still want to get back together with Reegs, Amber," she sighs. "I don't even want to see this man again."
I nod in understanding.
"I'll support you all the way," I smile.
"I know, honey," she kisses my forehead. "I know."

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