Chapter Twelve

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Trying to walk with stitches is no joke. I gave up trying to walk for two and a half weeks after my surgery until finally my stitches were taken out. After that, moving my leg was near impossible.
But now, a month and a half after I tore my calf muscle, I can finally bend my legs by myself again.
Right now, Sage is here for her holidays and my mom let her stay by us for the three weeks that she's here. She was ecstatic to see me up and about again.
Right now, her, Avery and I were sitting in Starbucks.
"While you guys were at school yesterday, I went to see my dad and the step monster. They're so in love but she's horrible when he's not around. She's only kind to Reegs and Kelly. And Kelly is all over Reegan with little bloody stars in her eyes, ugh. I threw up in my mouth. Why was she even at home? Bunking," Sage vented.
I hadn't seen Reegan since he stormed out of my house after telling me that Kelly is his soon to be stepsister. He graduated a week after that.
"Wow," Avery added. "That's gonna do so well for her reputation. Bunking at home with fuckboy that is soon to be stepbrother."
Her and Sage laughed as I sipped on my drink.
Sage glanced at me and mellowed down.
"When last did you see him?" She asked after Avery calmed as well.
I shrugged.
"Don't wanna see him," I murmured, knowing full well I was lying.
Sage gave me a look and Avery lifted her eyebrows at me.
"You know I'm only joking when I call him a fuckboy," Avery says. "It wasn't his fault about what happened."
"The first time it was," I say back.
"I don't think so," Sage shakes her head.
"He admitted it to me. A while back. That's when we stopped talking. He went after her," I shrug. "And who can resist him after getting a taste?"
I sigh loudly, finishing my latte.
They slide over to me so I'm squished in the middle of them and wrap their arms around me.
"You're my best friend," Sage cooes. "And I feel awful that it was my brother that has made you like this. You deserve the world."
"And I know we've only known each other for a short while but you're one of my greatest friends," Avery adds. "You deserve happiness."
"You're gonna make me cry, guys," my voice is thick with emotion as I smile at them.
"You wanna see him, don't you?" Sage asks and I nod. "I know. Must I arrange something? Do you wanna be alone with him or with us or in a public setting like this or what do you want?"
"I do wanna be alone with him but I'd also like for you guys to be there if it gets awkward," I shrug.
"Oh! Oh! Sleepover!" Avery yells and people turn towards us.
"That's perfect!" Sage yells back.
"Guys," I hiss. "Shut up."
"No getting down and dirty at this sleep over. It is strictly talking only," Sage says.
"Oh please, I would never just start making out and jumping his bones so quickly after all this," I roll my eyes.
"That's what you say now," Avery laughs.
"So one sleepover, coming up," Sage grins at us.
"Oh boy," I mumble.
"Come on, let's get you home and Avery can go ask her parents and I can go ask my brother. And obviously you ask your mom," Sage says.
We get up from the table and make our way out. Sage helps me get into the passenger seat of my moms car and she gets in the drivers seat as I watch Avery get into her own car and drive off, blasting her music loud.
"What am I even going to say to him?" I whisper. "I've been harsh and I've ignored him."
"Reegan is wrapped around your little finger, Amber and you don't even know it. He'll listen to you sing a grocery list if he has to," Sage laughs. "Just say whatever is on your mind that you're not telling any of us. I can see those little clocks working up in there and you're bottling everything up. You need to tell him how you feel, what's going on and how you're gonna fix it. You need to come up with a compromise, if you're going to get back together, be friends, never talk again. This whole talks one week, fights another week, ignores the next week then back to friends is not gonna work for the rest of your life. You'll both end up hurt."
I look at Sage in awe.
"I can't believe those words of wisdom just came out of your mouth," I laugh.
"I can be philosophical when I want," she giggles. "But it's the truth. You have to let yourself find happiness."
"You're right," I look at my hands. "I want to be with him but what if he goes to her or another girl again?"
"Stop living in the past, Amber," Sage groans. "Yes, I know, what he did was so wrong on so many levels. But you have to let yourself take that risk. If it doesn't work out, you can be happy without him. If it does, then you'll be my sister in law."
I laugh at her as she stops outside my house.
"I'll be back soon. I'll arrange for the sleepover to be tomorrow. You go ask your mom and think about what you're gonna say and what you want to do," Sage tells me.
I hop out of the car.
"Thank you so much. I'm grateful for a best friend like you," I say in gratitude.
"Well I love you. You're like a sister to me. Of course I'd do these things for you," she squeezes my hand that's resting on the seat.
"I love you too," I smile. "Now go before its dark."
She smiles at me as I close the door and step back a few inches. She hits the hooter a few times before pulling away and speeding down the road.
I hear the front door open and shuffling of feet and soon my mom is next to me.
"What's going on?" She asks wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"I'll tell you when we're inside. Sage will be back soon," I wrap my arm around her waist and we shuffle towards the door.
I really hope this all works out.

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