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"Mommy!" I heard a voice screech.
"Mom!" Another voice screeched right after.
I sighed, looking to Reegan, laughter lines sketched over his face.
"There's obviously a war going on," he smiled at me. "Go be the white flag."
I struggled to get up, my five month pregnancy belly weighing me down.
I shuffled towards the door that led to the balcony, our nine year old, Kylie, and our thirteen year old, Jared, scowling at each other.
"What's the problem?" I huffed.
"He tried to push my head under the water," Kylie wailed, tears running down her flushed cheeks.
"Why'd you do that?" I asked Jared. "She could've inhaled water and choked."
"It was a joke!" Jared whined. "I told her to hold her breath. It's not my fault she's a huge crybaby."
"Am not!" Kylie cried, proving Jared's point.
"Just apologize please," I sighed. "All this screeching is going to wake Savannah up."
"Daddy is carrying Savannah!" Kylie yelled. "So I will scream!"
"Just try," I narrowed my eyes at her.
Just as she was about to open her mouth, Reegan came out, carrying our three year old.
"What's with all the yelling, Kylie?" He demanded. "You woke up your sister."
I rolled my eyes, helping her out of the pool as Jared stood next to his father, already nearing Reegan's shoulder in height. He would be tall, just like Reegan.
Jared looked exactly like Reegan, the same dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes. Kylie and Savannah had lighter brown hair with the same dark skin. I was hoping our expectant fourth child would have my blonde hair.
"Come on. Let's go inside and I'll make sandwiches," I said, ushering them through the sliding door. "No more being loud and no more pushing heads under water."
Jared scowled but soon followed his father, doing anything to make the man proud.
I smiled. Despite the arguing between the two oldest children, I had the perfect little family.
I watched proudly as they all sat on the couch, Savannah crawling over Reegan's lap to play with the cat we had gotten recently. Jared was telling Reegan something with a huge smile on his face as Kylie fiddled with her fathers hands.
Movement came from inside of me and I grinned. I thought my life was over when I had been in that car crash almost fifteen years ago. I never knew it would turn out this way.
I could never be happier.

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