Chapter Fourteen

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"I want her out of my house, Reegan, or you both go," I hiss. "Decide. Now."
He looks at me then in the direction of the living room where Kelly, Sage and Avery are sitting.
"It's not my fault, I swear," he whispers. "My dad said she has to come or I can't."
"The hand holding?" I breath deeply.
"You know how she is, please don't be angry at me," he whines.
I shake my head, sitting at the dining room table.
"This isn't fair," I sigh. "I wanted to finally sort things out with you and now I can't because she will butt into every conversation we have. I'm sick of fighting and getting angry over something so worthless in my life."
"You wanted to sort things out?" He smiles.
"Well yeah, I've had enough," I shrug. "I've came to the decision to-"
"What's taking you so long, baby?"
"Get out," I snap. "Get out of my kitchen, get out of my house, get out of my life. I hate you! You ruined my relationship, bitch!"
I stand up, my anger boiling and try my best to stride towards her.
"You're a complete and utter bitch," I continue. "What the hell are you trying to prove, Kelly? He doesn't want you. Get that into your fucking thick skull! You're not wanted by him, or in this house. Get the hell out."
I try my best not to lunge at her, to pull her red hair out and claw her face.
Sage and Avery stand at the doorway, watching with timid expressions as my anger boils over.
"I hate you! You ruined everything!" She screams at me. "Reegan and I were happy when you weren't here!"
"Is that why you drugged him? Because you two were oh so happy?" I sneer. "Please, I've known him long enough to know that he doesn't want you."
"You're a pathetic excuse of a person," she snaps. "Stealing another girls man."
I clench my fists and step towards her.
"Rich coming from you," I hiss.
"You're a whore that deserves to be in a wheelchair and I'm glad your parents got divorced. I'm equally as glad that Reegan fucked me and had not one thought of you," she smiles. "First your man and soon, your friends."
She lets out a giggle at the end and I suddenly see red, throwing myself at her, leg braces and all. I throw out my fists, not caring where I hit. I scream as a punch her over and over.
I hear my friends screaming at me, trying to pull me away from her but I ignore them. I see Reegans hands trying to pull Kelly away and I use all my willpower to stop.
I was shaking from anger as Avery and Sage help me back onto my feet. I look towards Kelly to see Reegan checking to see if she's okay. Her nose was bleeding and she was starting to bruise around her face and shoulders.
"Both of you, out," I say, wiping my mouth.
She had gotten a throw in and hit my lip against my tooth. It was bleeding.
"Why me?" Reegan asked after he helped Kelly onto her feet.
I shake my head at him.
"Just go," I sigh. "I'm done, Reegan. I'm sorry but I can't do this."
"Bam, no," he takes a step towards me and I back away.
"Just go," I wrap my arms around my chest.
"Leave Reegan," Sage says softly. "I'll talk to you later."
He reluctantly nods, shoving Kelly on her back towards the door. She tries to protest but he interrupts her.
"Shut the fuck up, you've caused enough shit for me," he growls at her. "I regret ever starting to speak to you."
She looks towards the floor as she walks, shutting her mouth for once.
After I hear the front door close, I feel my tears starting to drip. Avery and Sage turn to look at me.
"I'm so sorry," I cry. "I can't do this."
I hold up my hand, shaking my head at my best friend.
"I'm sorry," I say again.
I shuffle out the kitchen and towards my moms bedroom, grateful that she was away on business. I fall onto her bed, my sobs loudly escaping my mouth.
I thought Reegan and I would last for a much longer time than just two years. But because of his desires and a freshman wanting attention, that didn't happen. I cry harder at the thought of what could've been.
Minutes go by and soon my eyes are dry again and a headache has throbbed its way into my forehead.
He only helped Kelly after that. Even though he "hates" her.
I looked around my moms room, my eyes landing on photo frames on her dressing table. The photos were all face down and as I pick one up, I realize they're her wedding photos. I sigh.
The divorce was over and my dad had moved back to California. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that it actually happened. Two good things in my life had been ripped apart and I didn't know what to do.
A knock startled me from my thoughts.
"You okay now?" Sage asked. "What's that?"
She walked over to me, looking at the picture that I had in my hand.
"You didn't need that, hey," she sighs. "Reegan didn't have to bring her. I'm sorry. You don't need to be sorry about anything, Ambs. I'm sorry he helped her and touched her and kissed her and even just talked to her. I'm sorry she exists. I'm sorry that I'm your best friend, the sister of the guy that broke your heart."
I put the photo down, wrapping my arms around Sage's neck.
"Nothing is your fault. I'm sorry I fell in love with your brother," I sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't pay attention when he hurt other girls or when you complained about the wrong things of him."
She hugged me back, a smile on her face.
Soon, another pair of arms went around us.
"Ah, group hug," Avery sighed contentedly.
We laughed, deciding to continue with our own sleepover.

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