Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Can you believe it? We're graduating!" Avery squealed.
I smiled at her, nodding my head as Reegan squeezed my hand.
"Finally it's over," I said.
No more Kelly. I smiled wider.
Avery and I went to go take our seats as Reegan went to go sit with my mom and, surprisingly, my dad. Avery's family sat close to my mom, chatting with her every now and then.
"You'll be getting a graduating surprise tonight," Avery winked, nudging me with her elbow.
"Oh please," I scoffed, running my right hand over the ring that had been on my finger for the past five months. "I still have leg braces."
"You could take them off, you know," she laughed.
"And let my legs lay limp there?" I laughed with her. "I'd rather wait till I can participate fully."
"Fine, fine, I see your point," she shrugged. "Have you decided between Oxford and Harvard?"
"Not at all," I looked at her. "I want to know where Reegan is buying our house first. We'll be getting married wherever he chooses to buy it."
"I can't wait," she squealed. "I'm going to Boston. Not nearly as fancy as you. What about Sage?"
"Harvard," I nodded. "At least I'll have a friend if I go there."
"I'm going to miss you. We've only known each other for almost two years but you're a lifelong friend, Amber," she smiled at me in gratitude.
I pulled her to me for an affectionate hug. She helped me through the most darkest times of my life.
"We'll be called soon," I smiled, pulling away.
They were almost by my name when I glanced at Reegan, the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I looked at my ring. After a few weeks, I had finally said yes to him. He never fails to show me how thankful he is.
"Amber Tryland," I got up, making my way to the stage. "Amber came to this school in a wheelchair, and now, a year and a half later, myself and all her educators are so proud to see her upright. Well done, child."
Everyone clapped and hollered at that statement and I felt my cheeks redden. I hugged my principal, thanking her as I took my certificate.
I waved to the crowd then went back to my seat.
It finally got to Avery, the third last name on the list and I screeched at the top of my lungs, so happy that we were finally graduating.
When all the certificates were handed out, the principal told us how we all made her proud and we should carry the schools name in honor. We then threw our caps into the air, cheering and hugging each other.
"We did it, bitch!" Avery yelled, laughing.
I laughed with her, hugging people around me.
I felt hands rest on my waist and I turned, wrapping my arms around Reegan's neck.
"Well done," he murmured, closing the distance of our lips.
I kissed him back passionately, the world around us becoming a dull noise to me. His hand clasped around my waist and his other hand made its way to my cheek, pulling me closer.
"Mm," he groaned against my lips. "Save that for tonight."
My face heated up.
"You know I can't," I sighed, smiling.
His face fell but he quickly covered it up.
"Soon though, you'll be all mine," he grinned, draping his arm around my shoulder.
"Have you decided where you want to marry? I need to study further," I told him, making our way to my parents.
"You should go to Oxford, it's a great institute," he murmured.
"Come on," I pleaded.
"I'm not telling you where we're moving, Bam," he chuckled. "It's being furnished as we speak though."
I raised my eyebrows.
We got to my parents and my mom pulled me into a huge embrace as my dad stood awkwardly next to us.
"I'm so proud of you, honey," she choked.
My dad patted me on the back, smiling a little.
"I'm proud too," he said.
"Thanks, dad," I pulled him in for a hug.
Despite our huge fallout, I still wish he was a part of my life.
"I'm probably the proudest," Reegan grinned. "My fiancé is going to one of the best university's in the world."
"Fiancé?" My dad raised an eyebrow.
I nodded, holding up my left hand to display my ring. My dad physically flinched back and glared at Reegan.
I glared back at him before taking Reegan's hand and walking to his car.
"I'm sorry about that," I sighed, closing the door. "He doesn't know we made up."
Reegan shook his head, taking my head between his hands.
"He doesn't decide our relationship," he said before firmly planting his lips onto mine again.
Our lips moved slowly, gently in this kiss. I didn't feel rushed or urgent. It felt natural.
I let myself melt into him and he gripped me to him, deepening the kiss by sliding his tongue into my mouth.
I let out a sigh when I felt him pull away.
"I love you so, so much, Bam," he said. "You mean everything to me,"
"I love you just as much, if not more," I smiled.
He pulled away from me completely and started the car.
"To the rehabilitation center!" I yelled happily.
He chuckled at me before pulling out the parking and heading in the centers direction.
I looked at him as he drove, singing along to a song. We had been through so much and I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we would be married soon. I smiled to myself. I loved him so much and I would go to the ends of the earth for him.
"Do you enjoy staring at me?" His voice snapped me from my thoughts.
"I wasn't staring," I smiled. "I was thinking."
"I could smell something burning," he joked.
I gasped, shoving his shoulder slightly.
"I'm kidding. You're smart enough to get into Oxford," he gloated.
"If you don't want to tell me where we're getting married, don't tell me what institute I'm going to," I told him.
He laughed again, pulling into a parking at the rehabilitation center.

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