Chapter Nineteen

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Monday afternoon rolled by and I was sitting in biology for my last period again.
"Hey," Avery hissed. "Look."
I looked as she gestured towards the window. My anger spiked as I saw the familiar black car.
I looked at our subs teacher and raised my hand, fuming.
"May I go to the bathroom?" I managed to say through my gritted teeth.
The subs teacher nodded before eyeing my leg braces when I got up.
"Take your bag in case you don't make it back," she said.
"I could fucking punch her. And him. And everyone," I shoved my book and pencil into my bag before tightening my braces. "I'll chat to you later."
"Good luck," Avery smiled.
I walked stiffly out of the classroom, trying my best to get to his car before the first bell rang. Luckily I had about ten minutes.
I stomped my way through the gravel, finally making it out of the gates and turned sharply, heading straight to his window.
When I was a few steps away, it opened.
"How fucking dare you Reegan?" I yelled.
"Let me explain," he sighed, getting out.
He leaned against his door. His face was pale and there were bags under his eyes. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"What happened?" I asked, suddenly feeling my anger dissolve.
"It's a fucking mess Bam," he rubbed his forehead.
I took steps towards him and leaned next to him.
"I came to fetch you on Friday. And Kelly got here before you. Apparently my dad told her to get a ride with me," he took a huge breath. "I knew you didn't want to be in the car with her so I decided I'll take her back first and then fetch you and maybe spend some time with you."
"You didn't come back," I said when he paused.
He nodded, looking at me with defeated eyes.
"Reegan..." I sighed. "What happened?"
"We got home and she poured me a glass of orange juice," he continued. "I didn't think anything of it, Amber, I swear. It wasn't my fault."
"What?" Confusion flooded my head. "What's not your fault?"
He leaned towards me, wrapping his arms around me, taking deep breaths.
"Come on, tell me what's going on," I urged, pushing him slightly away.
He ran his hands through his hair a few times as he leaned back.
The bell rang and people started filing out of the school doors.
"Let's go," he said, climbing into the drivers side.
I quickly got into the passenger side, tossing my bag into the backseat. I spotted Kelly speed walking towards the car as Reegan pulled out.
He opened his window as he drove past her.
"Get your own ride," he yelled before speeding onto the road.
He sped in the direction of my house and soon enough, he pulled into my driveway.
"You haven't finished explaining," I informed him.
He nodded, switching the car off and taking off his seatbelt. I did the same.
"I can't remember anything that happened after I drank that orange juice up until yesterday morning," he sighed. "I woke up in her bed, Amber."
He leaned his forehead onto the steering wheel.
My chest ached as I watched him breath in and out, probably expecting the hear the worst from me. I was speechless. I didn't feel angry at all.
"Uh... Uhm," I cleared my throat before trying to speak again. "You should tell someone. Your dad. The police."
"I don't know what she's using because there's no trace of it in my body at all," he covered his head with his arms.
I chewed my lip, my heart breaking because I knew this would always carry on. Even if I had to date him.
"I'm sorry but I can't help you," I reached for my bag. "I just don't know what to do."
His head snapped up, his eyes rimmed red as he saw I was about to open the door.
"Don't leave," he begged. "Please. You're the one that keeps me going and I can't lose you."
"Chill," I frowned. "Let's go inside."
He puts his hand on his head, shaking it at himself before getting out with me.
We walk inside and I toss my bag in the passage.
"Would you like anything? Water, coffee?" I asked.
He shakes his head, following me sadly to the kitchen and plonked onto one of the chairs around the island.
I poured myself milk, silence filling the air and gulp it down quickly.
A lightbulb goes off in my head. A crazy, stupid lightbulb but a lightbulb nonetheless.
"Why don't you move in here?" I asked, turning to face him.
His eyebrow quirks up as he hears my offer.
"I mean like there's an unused bedroom just standing there and it gets pretty lonely in the afternoon by myself. And sometimes I need to get around when my moms not here. And it could save you from getting drugged and stuff," I trailed off and he continued staring at me. "Yeah, I'm stupid for suggesting that. Forget what I said."
I turn, not wanting him to see disappointment on my face.
"You would let me?" He finally speaks up.
"Well, like, I mean yeah, why not? Obviously if our parents are okay with it," I shrugged, walking towards the living room.
He follows and soon we're sitting next to each other on the couch.
"I could honestly kiss you right now," he had a smile on his face.
I force a smile out towards him and play with my nails.
"If you want," I said softly, shrugging.
I look at him then down again as I see his fingers moving towards my face. They rest under my chin as he pulls my face closer to his.
"Of course I want to," his breath was on my lips and I fluttered my eyes closed, knots filling my stomach.
He pressed his lips gently onto mine, probably testing the waters. But as soon as I got a taste of him, I'm pulling him closer to me, our mouths moving like they always had.
He leaned over me and I kicked my legs out from under me, allowing him to get on top of me. Our tongues swirl together and I was getting dizzy because he's just so intoxicating to me. His hands fiddled with the hem of my shirt before pulling it up slightly, his palms now resting on my bare waist.
"Should we take this to the bedroom?" I asked as he released my mouth and went for my neck.
"In a minute," his voice is hoarse and he brings his lips back up to mine.
We continue kissing intensely before he picks me up, biting my neck gently again.
"Uh, what's going on?"
Suddenly I drop back onto the couch and Reegan looks shocked as he turns.
"Hey mom," my face heats up. "You're home early."
She raises her eyebrows at me and I feel my face turn scarlet.

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