Chapter Twenty-Five

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I hauled the last box into the new apartment's kitchen, Reegan already breaking open the tape of another box.
"Done," I huffed.
"That's great, Bam," he smiled at me. "You go get into the bath and then get ready for bed. Your first day is tomorrow."
"I want to help you, though," I sighed.
"I have the rest of the weekdays alone here. I can manage by myself," he chuckled.
"Fine," I smiled, making my way to the new bathroom.
The term 'apartment' didn't do the place justice. It was more of a penthouse. Five bedrooms in total, four bathrooms, two lounges, a dining room, a study, a massive kitchen and a balcony that went around the whole apartment. I was utterly shocked that there was a pool on the balcony that was covered in grass. It was basically a backyard but up in the air.
I reached the main bedroom and walked into the ensuite bathroom. This would be our forever home, by the looks of it. It was spacious enough for a family and if we really wanted a pet, we could have one.
I looked into the mirror above the basin. My cheeks had a healthy glow to them.
I was glad that he thought far ahead and bought a family home.
I shrugged my shirt off, looking into the full length mirror behind the door. I smiled at the tiny bump forming at my lower stomach.
Reegan basically cried in joy when I had told him that the test results came up positive, but I couldn't for the life of me remember when we were unprotected.
I was two months along by now.
My mom was hesitant at first but soon got ecstatic over the idea of becoming a grandmother. Sage had said that she'd be the coolest aunt ever. Avery had already bought baby clothes.
It didn't irk me that I was fresh out of high school yet ready to become a mom. It was a shock at first but seeing that Reegan and I would be married in the next two weeks, I got used to the idea. Our family was just starting out young.
I got into the hot water and laid back, my hands cradling the round lump on my belly.
Tomorrow I would be starting at Oxford university, studying to become a nurse. I was confident in it, I knew my marks were way above standards.
After finding out I was pregnant, I had told Reegan that I should wait a year or two before starting my course. He said that I could just go online to get the lectures that I would miss when the baby was here. I accepted defeat. He was right.
I heard the door creak open and I opened my eyes to see Reegan sitting next to the tub.
"Which room for our little one?" His eyes gleamed.
"The one nearest to us for now," I laughed. "We don't want to run around when he starts crying at night."
"It's a boy?"
"I have a feeling," I shrugged.
I felt his hands dip into the water, his fingers tickling my hips.
"We should make the most of our time alone," he whispered.
"We aren't alone anyway," I sat up as his fingers caressed my inner thigh.
"What the baby doesn't know, won't hurt him," he murmured.
"I'm pretty sure it would hurt him when he sees his fathers dick coming towards him while he's still in his mother," I laughed.
Reegan laughed at me, his fingers now tickling my sides.
"Don't be mean," I mumbled.
Reagan grabbed a sponge, poured soap onto it and began washing me. I sighed happily.
"Come on, let's get you out so I can ravish your body," he smiled as he got up.
He helped me up and out of the bath, wrapping a towel robe around me. He then dragged me towards the bed.
He gently pushed me back, using the towel robe to dry me off as best he could. His lips met mine in a gentle yet urgent kiss.
"I'm not going to break," I breathed out against his lips.
"I don't want to hurt you," he skimmed his teeth across my jaw and I exhaled sharply.
I sighed as his lips trailed along my neck then back up to my mouth.
He continued kissing me for a few minutes as my hands gripped his hair.
His mouth stopped and moved away.
"Reegan," I moaned, wanting another kiss.
"You should rest now," he kissed my forehead. "I can see you're tired out."
"Oh please," I stopped to yawn. "I'm so ready for a round."
He laughed, brushing my hair out of my face.
"I see so."
I cuddled into his side as he curled around me.
"Have you thought of baby names?" He asked.
"Not really," I sighed. "Shouldn't we wait until we know what it is?"
"I've thought of a few. For a boy, I like Andrew, Joshua, Daniel and Ryan," he stroked his fingers in patterns on my back. "For a girl, I like Abby, Kylie, Anita, Lizzie and Amy."
"Those are nice names but we'll see," I wrapped my arm around his chest, pulling myself closer to him.
"I can't wait to have more children with you," he kissed my cheek.
"We barely have the first one and you're ready for the next one," I laughed softly. "Be patient. My body can only take so many children."
"I guess I'll have to wait," he sighed sarcastically. "But I want at least ten children."
"You want a whole baseball team?" I looked at his face.
"If you're offering," he chuckled.
I laughed with him, rolling my eyes.
Moments later, I heard his soft snoring and I curled back into him.
I loved this man.

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