And We'll Live Happily Whatever After[4]

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I woke up and tried to remember what happened last night.

Alessio kissed me and then...

He walked away.

He seemed angry, annoyed and...frustrated. I didn't know what to do so I stood there and watched him retreat. I wanted to call out his name and beg him to kiss me again because I've never felt anything as powerful as the intimacy we've shared for a few seconds. I've kissed a couple of guys before but none of them were as skillful as Alessio. Alessio knew how to entice, to seduce and to love. I wanted more.

And today, I still do. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. If only I let him bring me to bed last night, I would not be alone this morning. He could've been here lying beside me, peacefully sleeping. But I messed things up, thank you very much.


"Amelia, is Alessio not yet home?" I asked the older woman while two maids serve breakfast for me in a dining room big enough for forty other people.

It's been three days since I last saw him. Honestly, I do miss him even though it came to me as a surprise. For the few short hours I've known him, I've come to enjoy his company. He was witty, charming and gentle. He made me feel really good and now I am bereft of him.

Amelia shook her head no. "But I do think he'll be home soon, signorina," she said. She told me the same thing yesterday. And the day before that.

What did I do to make Alessio go away? Was telling him that I wasn't ready for sex yet bad? Oh, my. Should I call Alessio? But I didn't know his number. Maybe Amelia knows. Yes, I should call him. Yes, yes, yes...

"I tell you, you don't have to worry about the signor. He can take care of himself. I think he is just busy with the preparations for your wedding, signorina," Amelia went on.

"I-I-" I blushed. My God, the wedding! Oh yes. I forgot about that. "We haven't really talked about getting married, you know." I told Amelia shyly.

She looked confused and surprised but before she could say another word, a voice interrupted, "She was only joking, Amelia. Of course we are getting married."

I spun around my chair and saw Alessio standing behind me. He was wearing a black business suit today. And he was staring right back at me. I started to feel warm all over and remember the way his lips caressed mine. I got dizzy and butterflies flew in my belly.

"My fiancée has a really strange sense of humor," he went on.

His fiancée. Yes, I was that. "You are home," I said in a low voice.

He nodded. "Some things in the office needed my attention and I was busy for the past few days. I apologize for not being here, cara."

You could've called, I wanted to say but didn't. Suddenly I felt angry. Why didn't he call? I was his freaking guest and he didn't even bother to call once or twice to ask after me. Why did I even think of calling him first?

"It's alright," I said just because Amelia and the two other maids are staring at us. When we're alone, I intend to give him a piece of my mind.

He raised a brow and I knew he knew that I was lying. "You may leave us now," he dismissed the servants and turned to me once more. "Sophia, I-"

"No, don't explain, Alessio. I'm really not in the mood to hear your lame excuses. After three days of not hearing from you, you think you can just waltz back in here without-"

"This is my house, cara. I can waltz, walk or crawl in anytime I want." Alessio said arrogantly.

I stood up and resisted the urge to stomp my foot like a little girl. "Not when you left me without a word! I don't have powers! I can't just know where you went and when you're coming back."

"That's why I am apologizing. Urgent matters needed my attention in the office. I could not work from here. If I could, I wouldn't have left." He argued. "I also made arrangements for our wedding. You will be signing a prenuptial agreement later."

I raised my arms across my chest. "Do you really think I would sign a pre-nup? Do you really think I'd marry you?"

"Yes." He said coolly. "I expect you to sign the papers and marry me."

I launched myself at him. "You arrogant bastard!" Before I could even hit him, he pinned my arms to my sides. "Let me go, pathetic loser!"

"Cara, I didn't know you are so wild."

"Let me go and I'll show you wild."

His tense jaw relaxed into a grin. "I don't think I want to see," he said. "But maybe your wildness would be very bed."

My knees almost went under me. Thank God he was holding me against him or else I would have fallen on the floor. His head dipped down and he claimed my mouth. I gave a moan and wrapped my arms around his neck. I held onto him tight.

He was murmuring things in Italian. I didn't understand what he was saying because one, I learned French in high school not Italian, and two, my brain shut down.

I heard him say, "We'll get married the day after tomorrow. I can't wait." But I wasn't able to reply because he was kissing me again.

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