And We'll Live Happily Whatever After[5]

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(Author's note: My dear readers, I am sorry for letting you down. I didn't update for months because I simply lost the interest in continuing this story. I had a lot of things on my plate and I couldn't find the time to sit down and write. I am truly sorry. However, I came back with this chapter for all of you who loved Sophia and Alessio despite the four short chapters I posted before. I will try to finish this story for you, guys. If you have any suggestions, just comment. :D And please please vote! I really need the motivation. Thanks. I missed you, dear readers.)


I married him.

It was a small, intimate affair only with a couple of witnesses and the servants in our house. His family and my grandfather weren't able to attend. Alessio said they were matters that need to be settled and so we'll have to settle for a few guests.

Amelia, at the end of the ceremony, was crying. She was telling me how happy she was to finally see Alessio marry a wonderful woman. I blushed and thanked her.

I, myself, almost sobbed. The wedding was amazing. It felt real and when I glanced at the man I was marrying when we said our vows, I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't quite put a name on. But there was definitely tenderness. Brayden wouldn't have looked at me this way. I know he sees me as a property. How patriarchal, huh?

"What are you thinking about, cara?"

I glanced up at Alessio. We were inside a limo, headed to someplace he wants to take me to. He didn't tell me where exactly we're going but I didn't even have the energy to pry information out of him so here I am, submitting to my husband.

My husband! Phew. It's going to take me a little while to get use to being married. To a rich, hot man, no less.

"I was thinking..." I started.

"You were thinking...?"

"Uh, well, you know. The usual stuff." I tried to smile to hide my apprehension. I just realized that now that we're married, he must be expecting that I would allow him to make love to me. Wherever he's whisking me off to, it's going to be our honeymoon place. HONEYMOON! Oh, my.

His hand shot up to catch my chin. His thumb caressed my lower lip. I blushed, he grinned. "And what is the usual stuff you think about? Now that we are married, you must share everything with me. Not just my name and wealth."

"Everything?" I croaked. He nodded. "Well, uh, I think about... the starving children in Africa. I'd really like to go there someday and do some volunteer work. Then there's human trafficking. It's really unfair."

Alessio's eyes was gleaming. "Life is like that, cara."

"How can you say that? You're mega-rich. You've got everything you want."

He let go of my chin and tapped my nose. "Not everything," I looked at him in question. "I don't have the attention of my new wife. Instead of wondering how our first night together will be, she is thinking about different social issues. Not that I don't appreciate your concern for other people and compassionate nature but I would be a hypocrite if I tell you I don't want your thoughts circulating only on me."

I opened my mouth to say something in my defense but nothing came out.

No more words were exchanged after that. We were both silent for the rest of the drive.


We arrived in Alessio's beautiful villa in Tuscany around dinnertime. After a terse explanation that he'd like to have a shower before we eat, he left me.

I stayed in one of the parlors and stared at the walls. I don't know how long I did that. I was lost in my thoughts. I know I messed things up with Alessio. I couldn't help but feel guilty. But what was I suppose to say?

I couldn't just tell him that I was thinking about our honeymoon and how afraid I am to sleep with him. He's going to get mad, right? So I blabbered about the first thing that came to my mind. I don't want him to think badly of me but I guess he's now contemplating how wrong he is to marry me. While he's showering, he must be trying to find ways to get rid of me. Oh, I really, really... wait! Alessio showering. Oh my word. His strong and lithe body with droplets of water clinging to his skin, now that's a picture. I gulped. What's wrong with me?!

I glanced up and saw a man. He introduced himself as Cards, the butler. He told me that dinner was ready so I followed him to an imposing dining room but Alessio was nowhere to be found. However, when I sat down, I saw a note-addressed to me-beside my plate. I opened it and read...

Sophia, I am sorry but I received a call from my secretary. I cannot join you for dinner. Alessio

I felt tears form in my eyes. He hates me now! Alessio, my husband, hates me now!

Oh, I really messed up big time!

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