And We'll Live Happily Whatever After[6]

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If being married means you only see your husband rarely, then I could say that I'm in a perfect marriage.

Alessio wasn't around always. He even went back to the city for a couple of days after that fateful incident in the limo. He's saying there is an unfinished business that needs his supervision or something like that. I don't believe him.

He obviously hates me. Alessio can't stand being around me anymore.

I threw the magazine I was holding. It went to the pool and I watched it sink to the bottom. Gah, I hate it! I can't even do anything about my situation. I feel like I'm that magazine; sinking slowly with no means of saving myself. The thing is, Alessio would not hear me out-or to be more accurate, there's nothing to hear out. I haven't the slightest idea on what to say to my husband. I don't think a simple sorry would be enough.

"Argh!" I stood up and shuffled my toes like a little girl. I started to pace. I must think of a way-

Someone cleared his throat. I turned and saw Cards. "Signora, are you alright?" Oh, just what I needed!

I flushed deep red. "Yes, Cards, I'm quite alright. Thank you."

The old butler nodded. "There's a phone call for you, signora." He held out the wireless phone he's holding and I accepted it. Cards disappeared back into the house even before I had the phone to my ear.


"Hello, tesoro." Alessio's voice sounded from the other end of the line. "It's me."

I almost sighed. "Alessio."

"Si. How are you?" He didn't sound interested enough to know the answer. It's like he's just asking me for formalities' sake.

At that moment, I wanted to cry but I forced myself to sound strong. "I am good. How about you?"

"Just about the same." There was a brief pause. "I can't make it back tonight."


"That's all you have to say? Oh?" Alessio asked in an annoyed tone.

What else should I say? That I hope he enjoys running away from me? "Well... I really don't know. I mean, it's your business and all but... uh," I blabbered.

He chuckled drily. "I understand perfectly, Sophia. Do not worry," He said. "Besides you won't even notice I'm not there." Oh, but I will, Alessio. I will. I wanted to tell him that but I didn't possess enough guts to. "What are you doing anyway?"

Thinking of you. "Sunbathing," I automatically said. "And you?"

"Tesoro, do you really have to ask? You said just now that it's my business." I heard several voices in the background. Alessio must be in a public place. "I need to go now, Sophia. Don't stay out for too long. You'll burn your skin."

Before I could even ask if he's going to call me again, the line went dead.


My days were occupied by my visits to the village. I learned that most of the lands were Alessio's properties and that the villagers rely on him for their living. The people were gracious enough to welcome the wife of their landowner and soon, women were teaching me all kinds of stuff that Italian women do.

In a few days, I learned how to cook, make the best dirt-removing solution and all that. I didn't mind learning. I actually enjoyed it. Those activities allowed me to think about other things rather than Alessio. It is ironic how he said he wants my thoughts only to be about him and now that it is, he's not around.

Nighttime is a different matter. For the past week, I've always cried myself to sleep. Cards has been sending me worried looks every breakfast and would often ask me if I'm alright. I always tell him that I am but in reality, I feel like I'm breaking slowly inside. I don't know what to do. Alessio hasn't called me again.

Ten days after since I last saw my husband, he reappeared. I was in the day care center, helping the volunteers feed the children. I was balancing a two-year old baby boy on my hip when I felt prickles at the back of my neck. I spun around and saw Alessio, looking glorious in a silver pinstripe suit, standing at the doorway looking directly at me.

I tried to smile as he advanced towards me but my facial muscles wouldn't cooperate. Instead, I stood there, rooted on the spot.

"Cards informed me you were here," He said and then he glanced around. The day care was small but it had good facilities. Alessio donated money for it to be built, a volunteer told me. "I expected you to be home."

I raised a brow. "To wait for you when you decide to go home?" I don't think so, Mister.

"That's what most wives do." He said conceitedly. I'm beginning to hate Alessio's new attitude. I know he hates me and that I messed up but when I think about how kind and wonderful he was with me before...

"I can see you're lost in your own thoughts, cara," He mocked. "Thinking about the children in Africa again?"

I gasped. "No, I was thinking about global warming this time!" I quipped. The baby in my arms fidgeted and let out a startling cry. "See, you made him cry!" I accused Alessio while hugging the boy in a protective gesture. I murmured to the boy and rocked him until he settled down. All the while, I could feel Alessio's gaze on me.

The baby fell asleep in my arms. I glared at my husband. He walked over to where I was standing and snatched the baby fluidly. I watched in wonder as he stalked over one of the volunteers and gave the child to her. Alessio obviously knows how to handle babies. Not that I care, really.

He went back to me and held my arm as he led me from the room. "It's time we go home."

"I don't think so," I shook off his hand and titled my chin. "I still need to feed other kids."

"The volunteers can do that."


"Sophia, you are testing my patience," he growled. "We are going home whether you like it or not. I can carry you out of here where all those people would see you or you can walk out with me and ride the car without making a scene. What is your choice?"

I glared at him. He glared right back. I turned walked out of the day care. The driver had the door of the limo opened for me. I got in with Alessio hot on my heels.

"What do you prove by being defiant, Sophia?" He instantly grilled me.

I looked out of the window and pretended that I didn't hear him.

"Answer me!"

I still ignored him.

He grabbed my arm and made me face him. "You will answer me." I raised a brow, still not talking. "Okay, you want this the hard way? You asked for it, you got it." Alessio stunned me by hauling onto his lap. Even before I recovered, he assaulted my mouth with his. My hands went automatically to his chest, intending to push him away but a few seconds later, I was clutching the lapels of his jacket.

"Dio, Sophia," His mouth slid down to my neck and I tilted my head to give him greater access. I was moaning under his ministrations by this time. It felt wonderful to have him kiss me. He was strong and warm under my wandering hands. I didn't even notice I was unbuttoning his shirt already.

"Alessio!" I gasped when he cupped my left breast. I pulled away and stared at the hand he laid on my chest. He grinned like a little boy and started to thumb my nipple through the fabric of my dress. "Oh, my!"

Alessio pulled my head to his again and murmured to my lips, "Oh, my indeed." He started to kiss me fervently again. I turned my head away, causing him to miss my lips and his grazed my cheeks. I slid my hands to the insides of his shirt and left a trail of kisses on his neck. When I touched his hard, flat stomach, he groaned.

"Something wrong?" I inquired, worried.

Something flickered in Alessio's eyes as he shook his head. "No, cara, something's very right." With that, he caught my hand and gently guided it to his raging manhood, making my eyes widen.

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