And We'll Live Happily Whatever After[13--Part Two]

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13--Part Two

I screamed. I know I screamed but I didn't hear it then. The only proof I have is a raw throat. Now, five hours after the abduction mess, I fidgeted in the waiting room of the best hospital in London.

I can still picture Alessio pale face when I reached his side at the airstrip. Brayden was too shocked to say anything much less run after...after shooting my Alessio.

I swallowed back a sob and touched a hand to my belly. I should be strong. I should be strong for my husband and my baby.

But I've never been more scared in my life. I think I knew Alessio was hurt even before I saw him for myself. I was so terrified for his life and for our little family too because there was so much blood. And when the paramedics finally arrived, I was cradling Alessio head against my breast while he struggled to breathe.

Before they took him away, he held my hand loosely and opened his eyes. His mouth formed words but because he was too weak to speak, I didn't understand him.

For five hours now, I've been crying openly. The nurses were giving me discreet looks of sympathy. I also heard one whisper, "She's too young to lose a husband. I hope he recovers." That made me tear up again and Grandpa wrapped his arm around my shaking shoulders.

"It's going to be alright," he said quietly.

I managed to nod. I hope to God he's right.

I started up when the door opened. I sighed heavily when a distinguished looking man and stressed woman entered instead of a doctor. I was praying for some news about Alessio's condition.

But it surprised me when the woman dashed up to me and caught my hand in hers. "How is he?" She asked in a practiced English accent.

I stared at her and swung my gaze to my grandfather.

The man assured me hurriedly. "I am Alfonse and this is my wife, Bianca," he laid a hand over her shoulder. "We're Alessio's parents."

"Oh." My mouth fell open and I just stared at my parents-in-law. I never knew the reason why Alessio didn't arranged for all of us to meet yet. On more than one occasion, I suggested we fly to Italy to see them but Alessio never paid attention that much.

The man, Alfonse, my father-in-law, smiled weakly. "We understand. Alessio said he wanted you all to himself that's why we weren't able to meet each other sooner," he said. "I just wished we could've done so under different circumstances."

"Me too," I whispered and tear up again. Alessio mom joined me this time. "I-I'm so sorry. I don't k-know how he is yet. The d-doctors are still working on h-him."

They nodded and waited with me. And still waited. And waited some more until finally-thank God-a doctor came through the door.

"He's out of the critical stage now."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth I felt a huge wave of relief come over me and a searing pain after that.


I was there the moment Alessio opened his eyes. I knew he was a little disoriented at first because his eyes were slightly unfocused and he was blinking rapidly.

I touched his left hand lightly and laid it on my lap. "Hi, darling."

"Sophia?" His voice was hoarse and he was still struggling to bring my face into focus.

"Yes, it's me, baby." I leaned carefully towards him and kissed his brow. I couldn't resist-and I needed the reassurance that he's still here with me.

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