Waking up

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My eyes slowly open, and I momentarily forget where I am. The dark walls and different bed throw me off.

Then I remember what happened last night - the pain. My body shivers just thinking about it. If that's what the first change will be like, I don't know how I will handle it.

I sit up slowly, groaning as my body is so sore from the events of last night. I notice I'm still in my party clothes. Loki is no where to be seen.

I tentatively swing my legs over the bed, careful not to hurt myself. I put one foot on the floor and wince. It feels like I stepped on a LEGO piece. 

I take in my appearance, my outfit is covered in dirt from when I fell to the floor.

Deciding I need new clothes my feet quietly pad over to his closet... I mean his other bedroom. I decide to go for a super cliché look and I choose one of his white button down shirts and a pair of boxer briefs.

I stick my head out of his humongous closet and make sure he's no where in sight. Feeling confident I'm alone I strip down and pull the clothes on. As soon as I'm dressed I feel happy with my choice. Now on to my hair.

Waking into his extravagant bathroom I run some water over my puffy eyes. Brush my teeth with his toothbrush (shhhh) and run one of his combs through my hair. Some how my bun came undone during the night.

Satisfied with my semi-presentable look I pass his door and walk down the hall. Hearing a loud noise in the kitchen.

I expect to see a huge mess from the party but the house is...spotless. Loki must have had a clean up crew come in.

Speaking of him I see him as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. His back is turned and he's making pancakes. He's wearing pj bottoms and a black short sleeve shirt. Showing his muscles in his arms. He looks like he's trying really hard to focus on cooking.

I clear my throat and he jumps. Looking startled.

His eyes snap to mine and he checks me out slowly making me squirm. His eyes focussing on my barely covered legs.

"Found my closet did we?" He winks.

"Yes, sorry I needed different clothes" he nods.

"How are you this morning?" He asks.

"I'm alright... A little sore" I say gently.

At the mention of my pain he stops smirking and looks concerned.

"Here sit down, I'm making you breakfast" he says happily. I blink.

"I won't poison it, relax" he says rolling his eyes.

"Okay, okay, jeez" I say shuffling over to the kitchen island barstool. After making 5 pancakes for each of us he sits down beside me. We eat in silence until he clears his throat.

"I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain, I tried to calm your pain. I really did" he says sadly.

"It's not your fault Loki, I know how close my change is"

"Tomorrow will be okay, I'll stay with you!" He says.

I choke on my water. "Tomorrow?!!" I choke slightly on my food.

He flinches, not sure what he did wrong.

"Tomorrow is the full moon Aura... Didn't you know that..."

"I'm guessing you didn't ..." He says.

"No I thought I had another week"... Where did the time go?

"I have to get home" I say scrambling up from my seat. I put my plate in the sink and look up to see Loki looking confused.

"My mom will be worried" I explain, he nods.

"Can I come over tonight?" He asks shyly. Loki shy? What was happening to him.

"Sure" I say. Grabbing my keys off the counter where I had left them last night. He follows me out to the door.

"Thanks for breakfast, I'll see you later" I say quickly. He nods and smiles.

I open the door and stop, turning around suddenly before I could change my mind. I pull him into a tight hug which he returns immediately.

We stand there for what seems like minutes, holding each other, taking in each other's scents. He smells like cologne and woods.

I break away first smiling shyly and walk away.

I get into my car and pull out of the driveway, speeding all the way home. Mom is waiting on the porch, she must have heard my car.

I hop out and explain everything to her and she nods pulling me into a hug. Not before noticing my clothes and raising her eyebrow. I blush and convince her nothing happened.

We talk inside the house. I quickly run upstairs and shower, changing into a pair of leggings and a long sleeve blue sweater. I pull my hair into a braid and run downstairs. Mom and I talk and hang out all day. We paint our nails and toe-nails and bake all afternoon.

All to soon my mom leaves for work kissing my cheek before. I settle in for some tv and suddenly hear the front door open and I jump up scared. Two seconds later I realize it's Loki and I relax. Walking over to meet him at the door.  I gasp out loud.

Loki, is standing there completely naked smiling at me. My eyes subconsciously travel down his naked body, missing nothing.

"Like what you see babe?" He teases.

I blush and look away.

The problem is ...I do.

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