My eyes slowly open as I become aware of my surroundings. I can't remember where I am or why my head hurts. I sit myself up wince at the throbbing feeling in my skull. I look down and and realize I'm on a hospital bed with blankets wrapped around me. I look up and jump when I see someone sitting beside me on the chair.
"Hello baby" He says in a creepy voice.
I frown, he isn't my mate? Why am I here?
Then all of a sudden realization hits me like a bag of bricks in the face. The man I'm seeing, is the one behind my kidnapping and Remingtons accident.
"Loki" I say as all the colour in my face drains.
"Hello sweetheart, I think we need to talk" He says with a sickly sweet smile. His teeth glisten, reminding me of snake fangs.
"Don't call me that" I say trying to sound tough, but in reality it comes out soft and quiet.
He laughs quietly and gives me a look like i'm the most adorable thing in the world.
"Why should I not? You are MY mate?" He adds extra emphasis on the 'my' part.
"I'm not your mate, I'm damons mate. Why did you bring me here? Let me go!!" I start to scream at the end. My breathing becomes laboroued and I feel as if I can't catch my breath. I'm hyperventilating and having a panick attack.
"Baby?" Loki squeals and tries to come help me.
"Don't. touch. Me." I manage to growl loudly this time.
He stops and actually bristles at my tone.
I feel my self falling back on the bed and distantly hear Loki yelling at the nurses to come and help his mate. Every time I hear him call me that, it sends a shiver of disgust through my body.
Not a minute later a nurse comes rushing in and tries to calm me down. It's no use though, I can't seem to relax, I need my mate and baby.
"Give her the needle!" Loki yells at her makng her flinch and run over to the cabinets on the wall.
"It's all going to be okay baby, don't worry. I'll take care of you" He cooes at me.
Even in the midst of a panick attack I still want to strangle the life out of him for calling me that.
The nurse comes over with a needle and flicks it before looking into Loki's eyes.
"Do it" He snaps.
She looks hesitantly at me before back at Loki.
Her head twists to the side and a sob escapes her throat. It takes me a moment to realize that he just hit her.
He actually just hit her...
A low growl escapes my throat, how dare he hit her? Who the hell is he?
"Do it now" He orders in a full alpha tone. She raises her head and cluthes her now red cheek with tears in her eyes.
"Yes alpha" She says in a small voice while casting her eyes anywhere but Loki.
She walks over to me and looks me dead straight in the eyes. She begins to mouth words at me as she slowly comes towards me. loki is behind her so he can't see what she's mouthing at me.
I try really hard to focus on what she's saying and control my eratic heartbeat at the sime time. I manage to put a few words together.

Werewolf"Don't think of him... Kiss me" he growls. Oh gods I want to... I lick my lips. He growls again and pulls me tight against him. "You're mine" he whispers. ~~~ Aura is a unique werewolf, with eyes that glow every time she feels sharp emotion. As h...