Through out the rest of the day and into the night we stayed in the room pacing and worrying. We couldn't help it, it's not easy to relax in times like these.
Remi would stir, but never wake. We just wanted to see her little eyes again, hear her sweet giggle and hold her in our arms.
The nurse told me Kayla has been waiting outside our room, but I firmly said she was not to set foot in here. She did this to her... I don't care about our friendship anymore.
I don't even know if it exists anymore, she totally destroyed any trust I had in her. How could she let Remi out of her sight like that?
She can't even begin to understand the agony I am in right now, the hopeless feeling is killing me. I'm literally watching my daughter lay unconsious for hous and there isn't a single damn thing I can do about it.
Selene has completly gone quiet, She can't bear the pain. Feeling your wolves agony on top of your own is crippling.
Damon hasn't said a word to me, but I can see the agony in his eyes. It's bitter sweet beacuse we know she'll wak up soon. We just don't know if she'll be able to hear anything when she does.
The idea of her having something so precious, taken away at such a young age, makes my heart practically stop beating.
I know in this experience, I would rip my own heart of my chest for her. She is my daughter, and I love her.
I walk over to her bed and kneel down to her level. I gently brush her soft hair out of her face and place a kiss on her forhead.
"Wake up, please" I whisper the last part hoping maybe she'll hear me and wake up for me.
A single tear makes it's way down my face and onto her shirt. I lay my head on her lap and cry silently.
A pair of hands rub my shoulders, making me relax slightly.
"It's okay, she's going to be okay" He says in a pained voice.
I turn and look into his eyes, seeing all the raw emotions there.
"But what if-"
He holds his hand up to my mouth softly. His eyes water and he shakes his head.
"I can't think like that right now, neither can you" He says while wiping his watery eyes.
I reach over and pull him into a hug, crushing him to me. I sob into the crook of his neck while he rubs my back and kisses my hair.
I feel myself being lifted off the ground and carried over to the chair. I just cry silently and cuddle into his arms.
I feel myself slowly drift to sleep, as much as I try to fight it, my eyes betray me and close.
When I open my eyes I'm in a forrest, not beside Damon in the hospital.
I realize the landscape is farmilier, I've been here before. That's when it clicks. It's Maia's forest.. why am I here? I need to be there for Remi, she could wake up anytime.
I close my eyes and pray that I will wake up from this dream that's not truning into a nightmare.
"You can't leave until I release you from this dream dear" Maia says startling me. I look up and see her standing right infront of me, yet it doesn't scare me this time.
"Remi needs me" I say with a pleading voice.
She nods, looking sad at the mention of Remi.
"I understand, but you need to listen to me first. You are in danger"

Werewolf"Don't think of him... Kiss me" he growls. Oh gods I want to... I lick my lips. He growls again and pulls me tight against him. "You're mine" he whispers. ~~~ Aura is a unique werewolf, with eyes that glow every time she feels sharp emotion. As h...