I stand there blushing like an idiot as Loki stares smugly at me.
"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON" I yell at him, looking up into his smiling face.
"Oh relax, you know you love it, your blushing" he points out chuckling.
I close my eyes and try to calm down. No need to get worked up, I tell myself. I quickly peek at him and surprisingly he's pulling on some pants and a top. He must have brought them over with him.
Once he's fully dressed, he walks into the house. "Your mom is gone already?" He questions.
"Yeah... She wanted to be with me... But Odeon told her he thinks it should just be us..." I trail off sadly.
"I'm sorry" he says honestly. I blink and look up into his eyes, seeing truth.
"My grandpa... He can be insensitive sometimes. I think he forgets how exciting a wolfs first shift is"
I nod, he only means well I suppose. Since we are to be mated eventually. I walk into the kitchen with Loki following behind. We come into the room.
"Are you nervous?" His questions catches me off guard, I turn to face him.
"Yes.. No.... I don't know" I say honestly. I have wanted to shift since I was a baby, but I have been terrified since I felt that pain. The first shift is always the worst, everyone tells me. After that you don't even feel pain, so I'm told.
Loki nods like he gets it. I jump when I feel him grab my hand. I look down at our entwined hands and smile slightly. Finding his gesture to comfort me heartwarming. I look up and see him smiling also, looking totally adorable.
"I won't leave your side, I promise" he tells me.
That set my mind into action, before realizing what I was doing I lean up and kiss his cheek. He stiffens, shocked by my actions.
I love his reaction to the kiss, it makes me see his vulnerable side. He always pretends to be so cocky, but he clearly is very sweet.
"What was that for?" He asks huskily.
"For being sweet" I say honestly with a smile. He nods and smiles back. We look like idiots I'm sure, but I can't convince myself to stop. This was a rare, pure moment between us. I didn't want it to end.
"So.." he says braking out little day dream.
"Oh right..." I blush.
"How much does it hurt?" I blurt out, staring wide eyed at him. My change in mood catches him off guard.
"It's..... Painful. But the moment your wolf emerges, all you feel is energy" he says.
This excited me, I can already feel her begging to be let out. My mom explained when I was younger that out wolves are like people, they can communicate with us. Most of the time they are almost opposite of us, bringing out the side we didn't know we had. They also connect with us like no one else can.
I'm so excited to meet her, I can tell she feels the same. Over the past few weeks I have been having light feelings of emotions I knew weren't mine. Like being drawn into the forest the other night.
"When will it happen?" I ask him.
"Midnight exactly, we should relax and de-stress before though" he says. I agree and we settle in the the living room to watch tv. I let him pick and we end up watching motor cross racing. Zoning out immediately, I start to feel nervous. My stomach feels like it's being kicked around a soccer field.
I keep thinking over and over again, how bad will it be??? What will I look like???? How will I feel???? Who will my wolf be????
It's all very confusing. I wish my mom was here, she would know how to calm me down.
I look up to the clock and see the dreaded numbers.... 11:50.
I tap Loki and he looks up as well, nodding.
We shut the tv off and walk into the back yard, making my way into the middle. My emotions are heightened and I feel my eyes glow.
Loki stares at them, curious. I pace around the yard and try to calm down.
1...2....3... Breathe - I keep repeating this.
I start to feel a shiver feeling run up the base of my spine, oh god.
It travels up to my neck, making me cringe. I feel it travel up my face then the feeling radiates into my mouth making me bend over immediately, gagging out loud.
He rushes over and runs my back, but all I can feel is the horrible sensations coursing through my body.
Then my knees give out and I slam into to the ground. In the blink of an eye, the discomfort turns to .... Un-explainable pain.
I scream so loud, causing Loki to flinch. I curl into the fetal position, trying to foolishly hide from the pain. I can feel my bones snapping and breaking. My body shakes and my eyes glow bright enough to light up the area around him and I.
He looks horrified at me screaming, he tries soothing me but nothing works.
Waves of the pain keep hitting me, relentlessly.
Yet all of the sudden it stops... I look to Loki in confusion. He whispers "it's about to happen" oh no.... I'm terrified, what is going to happen?!
Backing up away from me he tells me to kneel on the ground and imagine my wolf. To feel my instinct inside of me. I slowly sit up shaking, almost falling to the ground. I feel broken.
I feel her, she's excited, ready to be free. I focus all of my thoughts on her and feel it happen. Instead of the short burst of pain before, I feel one big set. My body elongates and I begin to grow fur. My clothes rip off my body. I don't look down to see my colour, I focus on my thoughts.
Then as quickly as the pain started it stops. I realize I'm standing in my full wolf form. My body feels excited and energized.
"hello my name is Selene."
I jump at the voice inside of my inside of my head. MY WOLF!!
Yes, I'm your wolf, she chuckles dryly.
I feel your strength.... How is that possible? I know we are connected but....
I feel yours as well, we are bounded as one. We may have different opinions or thoughts, but we are one. She tells me, wow she seems wise?!
I inwardly smile, happily agreeing with her.
Step forward Aura, you can do it. Feel how we move our body.
I slowly walk forward, wincing as my paws connect with the dirt. Selene encourages me the whole time.
I stop and look up at Loki, expecting his smile. Instead I see a sight that shocks me to the core.
Loki is standing in front of me, backing away, he looks more terrified than anyone I have ever seen in my entire life.
I step towards him, silently wincing at the pain. He flinches and steps back faster. I let out a soft whine, confused.
Look at us Aura...
Selene commands, so I do.
What I see shocks me.
I see thick black fur, I howl happily. That means I will be super strong!!! I excitedly look all around my body, searching for my other colour....maybe I have grey on my legs, or back?!! I continue looking for my other colour until I realize...there isn't one.

Werewolf"Don't think of him... Kiss me" he growls. Oh gods I want to... I lick my lips. He growls again and pulls me tight against him. "You're mine" he whispers. ~~~ Aura is a unique werewolf, with eyes that glow every time she feels sharp emotion. As h...