Part 1

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Part One.

Jess' POV

The end bell rang throughout the university halls. The sound of chairs scraping across the hard tiled floors and people screaming filled my surroundings as I finished filling my bag with all the crap that I had needed throughout the day. No matter how excited I was, I couldn't physically show it. I threw my heavy bag over my shoulders and headed towards the door, hoping to get home as quick as possible; I was seeing Sleeping With Sirens tomorrow evening after all, and I wanted to make sure I was ready. I wasn't going on my own, but I still needed to be prepared because we were picking up my friend, Oli, before we went, so I needed to be extra sure that I was ready. I was so glad that he loved bands just as much as I do.

As I walked out of the large double doors at the entrance of the building, I grabbed my earphones and plugged them into my phone filled with all my favourite bands. Thank god University was finally over! I scrolled past Of Mice & Men and Pierce the Veil and started playing 'If You Can't Hang' by Sleeping with Sirens; It was one of my favourite songs of theirs after all. As I was walking down the road I could see my best friend, who only lived down the road from me; he also happened to be the friend that was going to see Sleeping with Sirens with me, and I couldn't have been happier that I would get to share that experience with him. I slowly removed one earphone and called his name. He looked around, obviously unable to see me, so like the idiot I am I started jumping and waving, until he finally nodded at me and waited at the street corner with his head down low and his hands in his pockets. "Hey" I smiled at him shyly, knowing that he probably didn't want to be seen with me after the stunt I had just pulled, but not even I would want to be seen with me. "Hey, how are you?" he asked, pulling me into an awkward hug. "Yeah, I'm good, and you?" I asked back as we begun the short journey home, talking about how glad we were to finally be leaving. Anything creative would have been a dream job of mine, and I was hoping that would be a possibility now that I had left with some good qualifictions.

Oli walked with me to my house before walking to his, which really didn't take long considering we lived on the same street.

When I arrived home the house was completely empty. This was it; my opportunity to blast Kerrang from the tv as loud as I wanted. I had remembered the channel number off by heart, mainly because it was all I used the tv for, unless I was watching a random movie or the occasional programme. Kerrang started playing 'Im Not Okay' by My Chemical Romance, which just so happened to be one of my all time favourite songs. I missed that band, their music had always spoken to me, and will continue to for as long as I may live. I walked through to the kitchen and placed my phone on charge before searching the cupboards for some food. There wasn't much in, but I assumed that the family were out food shopping.

Just as I had started making something, the doorbell rung, alerting me that someone needed my attention. I was one of those people who never really liked answering the door when I was on my own. I guess you could put that down to my ever-lasting anxiety; I had my reasons, but no one knew. No one except for Oli. I looked through the spy hole in the door and saw my brother; what was he doing here? He lived nearly two hours away! The second I had opened the door he pulled me into a warm embrace, something I had always missed since he had moved away.

"Hey Jess, my god it's been so long. How are you?" he asked cheerily, not even pausing to catch his breath. I stood there, taking in the warmth from the hug from the one person I always missed no matter what. "Yeah, I've been good thanks. What are you doing here? You live ages away." The curiosity in my voice didn't want to hide itself, and he looked at me rather amused. "Well I have this thing here called family. You know, you, mum, dad and little Justin" he grinned slyly with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes with a faint smile gracing my lips. "Besides, I'm going to be your designated driver tomorrow evening." Fantastic, was anyone going to tell me about this? It would have been nice to know that my brother was coming down just to drive Oli and I to see our favourite band that happened to have five of the most beautiful human beings in the entire world. "Ethan, who said you're driving us?" His eyes widened slightly as he began looking around the room, then back at me. "Well... mum said... she said-" I could see he was struggling to find the answer so I rolled my eyes playfully and pulled him into a hug again. "It's okay, I don't mind, I just wanted to know when I was going to be told, this is the first time I've heard about this, just like I wasn't expecting you to show up here." He relaxed and sighed in my arms. "Well, are you happy I'm here?" he asked with a laugh. "Of course I am Ethan, you're my older and dorky brother" I laughed back, nudging him slightly with my elbow. "Don't nudge me, I'll nudge you back" he laughed playfully, lifting me off the ground as he started running around the house. I had an amazing relationship with my brother; I felt like I was closer with him than anyone else. It was nice.

The rest of the family soon came rushing in. "What's going on in here?" my mum called through the house from the hall. "Ethan showed up and he won't stop annoying me" I screamed, laughing at the same time. "Ethan! You've arrived! How was your journey?" I left everyone to catch up with him, seeing as I would be spending most of tomorrow with him anyway, and went up to my room for a few hours.

It was around 7pm and I was getting everything ready for the big day planned tomorrow. I hadn't packed much, just a poster for the band to sign if we were lucky enough to meet them, which I had really hoped we could, my very expensive yet venue-approved camera, my small pieces of artwork for them, and of course, my glow sticks that I had planned on throwing around the rest of the crowd. I had already planned out my outfit as well. My Sleeping with Sirens top, black skinny jeans with netting down the sides, red vans, and loads of wristbands. I have to say I was definitely prepared, except for my phone obviously. My concert ticket was sat on my desk underneath my notebooks because I was being really paranoid that something would happen to it, but I knew that was impossible; no one in my family listened to the same music, so it was definitely safe.

I was lying in bed, unable to sleep. I think the excitement had finally decided to kick in, but it was the worst timing ever. My heart was racing, my palms were twitching, and my feet were tapping on my mattress below me. I couldn't help but feel nervous for tomorrow, it was a huge deal for me, so I decided that perhaps a hot drink would help calm my nerves. I headed down towards the kitchen and saw Ethan reading through one of my small notebooks. I snuck up behind him and snatched it from his hands. "Hey!" he yelled, glaring right at me. I looked at the book in my hands and placed it on the table behind the sofa. He shook his head before he picked up the tv remote. How did he even get my book? I couldn't remember leaving it out anywhere, and it was always hidden in my room when I wasn't writing in it.

Once I had made my drink I snuck past Ethan, grabbed my little book and ran back upstairs, running into my little brother, Justin. "Does mum know you're up?" He shook his head whilst rubbing his eyes; he was much nicer when he was tired; it was definitely better than his constant whining. I put my things down, picked him up and carried him over to his room. Once he was in bed I turned around and saw my dad standing in the doorway. He pointed down the hall to my room with a soft and thankful smile on his face, and I obliged to his silent demands, picking up my things once more. I kicked my door quietly as I reached my room so it would shut before placing the items in my hand on my bedside table, turning my light off in the process. Thankfully, I drifted off to sleep rather quickly after that.


Listening to: Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides

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