Part 5

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Part Five.

Jess' POV

Oli and I were casually sat on a couple of the worn-down chairs drinking a can of monster each. This has to be the best energy drink known to man kind. We were in the large echoey room for about ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. The security guard walked back in and shut the door behind him rather quickly. He sat opposite me in a cushioned blue chair and my heart started racing once more, unaware of the events that were about to take place. Please tell me why I'm here? "I understand that you are probably wondering why you're here..." Well obviously! "...and I think you may be glad that you stayed until most of the other people had left." I could hear some talking outside the door and my heart rate reached speeds I never knew was even possible. "And all will be answered in just a second." Oh my god, just tell me already, please! Suddenly the door swung open and in falls the magnificent band that is Sleeping with Sirens. My mouth dropped open as I sat there speechless. I couldn't even move, let alone talk! Hell, I don't even think I was even breathing anymore! The two that had fallen to the ground when the door opened stood up and smiled awkwardly before slapping the guys behind them as they all skipped in, lining up with huge smiles.

They all took the seats that surrounded me and started introducing themselves, I didn't see the point in it though, I knew exactly who they were! I just sat there, my mouth still wide open from the shock as I blinked more than the average person should. "Jess!" Oli yelled, startling me as I swung around to meet his gaze. "Wake up, yeah?" he continued sarcastically. I turned back around and finally realised, this must be real. Kellin, Justin, Gabe, Jesse and Jack were all here, sat around me backstage after one of their shows. They all started saying hey again and I managed to squeeze out the words "uh, hey." I was barely audible though as shock was the only emotion I was feeling. Kellin walked over and hugged me, and the others followed and mimicked his moves. What the hell was going on here! I was backstage, being hugged by one of my favourite bands! "You look confused" Kellin laughed. Kellin Quinn spoke to me. Maybe this meant that he did look at me when he was performing, just like when Ethan and I got food. I finally picked up my confidence, enough to speak to them anyway. "What am I doing here? Believe me, I'm not complaining whatsoever but I don't see what I've done to deserve this," and that's when my confidence shot back down to the depths of hell where it would probably remain for a good couple of years. They all looked at each other before Kellin grabbed the sides of his chair and pulled it forward so he was about three feet away from me. "Well, outside you were the only one not screaming, even when I winked at you. During the performance you looked excited yet bored at the same time, we recognised you from town earlier and not being funny, you're the only girl we've seen that hasn't gone crazy over us. But we mean that in the nicest way possible." "You should see her at home" Oli replied, winking at me. Thanks for that, make things more awkward for me. "Well she didn't show it and for some reason we respect that more than you could know. Being treated like normal people by our extremely large family makes us feel a hell of a lot better. So anyway... we have a proposition for you."


Listening to; King for a Day by Pierce the Veil

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