Part 8

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Part Eight.

Jess' POV

From the second I woke up, I was feeling a lot calmer. I slowly climbed out of bed and reached for my phone. Three new texts, all of which were from Oli. I was too tired to text so I was just going to ring him. Straight to voicemail? This wasn't like Oli, he always had his phone on.
-Hey Jess, I need to see you if that's ok? it's not too important but could we talk asap? thanks.
Maybe something was wrong with Oli? Oh, I hope he's okay. Every time something was wrong with him, it made me feel bad. Maybe I could go over to his place? Whatever it was that was bothering him would surely go away if he saw me, that was what he wanted anyway. Besides, he had always been there for me, it was about time that I started being there for him.

Once I was finally dressed and ready to leave for Oli's, I saw Ethan pull up outside. I took this opportunity to just wait for him to come in. I waited a while before looking out of the window to see Oli in his car. I slowly stood up, placed my bag on the floor and opened the door. Oli and Ethan both looked at me and I got the feeling something terrible had happened. Should I panic? Of course not, I would just wait to find out why he had to come over unexpectedly. I was sure it was nothing bad.

I turned around and walked back into the living room and sat on the sofa with my legs crossed, head in hands. The door closed and I looked up to see Oli and Ethan standing there. They both smiled and looked at each other. "I wanted to say sorry about last night. What's happening is great and I'm sorry for being such an ass about it, so I brought you this." Oli and Ethan both stepped aside, revealing a bag full of merchandise, snacks and energy drinks. I jumped up from my seat and ran over to Ethan, giving him a huge hug. Eventually I let him go and gave Oli a small hug. I felt him smile and hug me back. "Do you need a hand carrying all this upstairs?" Oli asked kindly as he smirked at me. "I can manage Oli I'm not that weak, but yes please" I reply childishly, sticking my tongue out at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes before taking the bag and dragging it upstairs.

Before I could follow him, Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. "Do you really forgive me? I do mean it when I say I'm sorry. I really mean it, I'm glad you have the opportunity to be happy" he smiled, not making any attempt to release me. "Of course I forgive you Ethan. You're my brother, I can't stay mad at you. You have to realize though that I'm no longer a kid, I'm far from it. I'm practically an adult" I laughed and he nodes with his chin resting on my head. "Thank you. You'd better go after Oli" he laughed, finally letting me run after my best friend.

Kellin's POV

"We need to contact Jess soon" Jack smiled, pulling down her contact details from the fridge where we had left them from last night. Admittedly, I'd been thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to seem eager. "I agree" Justin said as he sat beside him. "Me too" I added in, trying to sound like I wasn't any more excited than the rest of them "Alright, here. You write, your writing is neater and more readable" Gabe laughed, passing me the paper and pen. "Fine" I sighed dramatically and laughed as everyone crowded round.

Once I had written the letter I handed it to Tom so he could mail it because he was a lot more mature than the rest of us; that, and the fact he would never get too much attention when walking the streets. "Well, now that's sorted what shall we do?" I asked my bandmates as we all sat around the front lounge of our bus. I was met with a lot of 'I don't know's and 'what's the time'. In the end we decided on getting some food for the day before heading out to look around.


Listening to: Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria

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