Part 6

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Part Six.

Jess' POV

Holy fuck! Sleeping with Sirens had a proposition for me! That was it, my heart had exploded into a million pieces inside my chest and left my body where it would never return. The amount of excitement coursing through me couldn't even be explained no matter how much I tried. Kellin stood up and gathered the band around him in the corner of the room. I could hear them whispering and I looked towards Oli, who was standing happily in the corner, smirking at me. I glared at him as if to say 'when I've found out what you've done, I'm going to hug you then kill you!' He clearly caught onto the message and his smile disappeared into a look of fake worry, which just made me smile more.

The band regrouped around me and on the inside I was jumping around, excitement literally tingling all of my body, yet on the outside I was pretty much emotionless; Just shows what lack of confidence can do to you. "We have decided, that seeing as you are apparently 'crazy' about us, yet don't seem to show it, we want to spend a day with you, because you seem to be able to treat us like normal people, or like friends I guess. Also this is partly because your good friend over there sent us an email, not asking us to meet you, just talking about how much you love us and were looking forward to coming to watch us." I turned around and stared blankly at him, and he shrugged innocently with a huge smile. I took a minute to think about the current situation, Sleeping with Sirens want to spend a day with me; boring old Jess who happened to love them a little too much and not want to treat them like everyone else does, and whose friend secretly sent an email behind my back, embarrassing me to my favourite band. I wasn't even sure what to say! "Is this something you're up for?" Gabe asked, looking at me like I just turned to stone before him. "Sure, I wouldn't turn down this opportunity for the world!" I ended up putting a little too much excitement in my voice, and the fact I stuttered slightly made me feel worse. "Okay! So uh, if you write your contact details on this piece of paper, preferably your number, address and email, we will get hold of you as soon as possible. And before you say anything, your number and email won't be given out, and we aren't going to give your our personal numbers when we call you. Everything is confidential. The orders of our tour manager" he laughed lightly. That was fine by me to be honest. Just spending this time with them was great and unexpected. It just goes to show how much bands really do appreciate their fanbase's "Okay well, it was very nice to meet you. We will be in contact with you soon and we hope you have a safe journey home, Jess" they smiled, taking a look at the paper I had just handed them. They all stood up at the same time and I followed them out of the door into the surprisingly thin corridor. They all hugged me once more, and by the time reality finally decided to hit me, they had left. I slid down the wall as tears of happiness ran down my face, and Oli ended up helping me up off of the concrete floor below me. "Okay, I promise I had nothing to do with this, but fuck Jess, you're going to spend a day with Sleeping with Sirens!"

The member of Security walked back over to us after seeing the Sleeping with Sirens guys off to their allotted changing room, and he walked us through to the lobby. I still couldn't believe what happened, why me? That was literally the only question that kept running through my mind. Oli pulled me into his side as he gave me a smile. I'm glad he came with me, and I'm glad he sent that email. I'm more than glad that he's my friend. He stuck with me through everything, and for that I was extremely grateful.

"Now we need to find your brother" Oli laughed as we stepped into the cold night air. I was shivering slightly, but it wasn't noticeable, and even if it was, I could lie and say it was from the excitement; no one would know better. I looked around and couldn't see Ethan anywhere. "I'll text him" I muttered as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. After sending him a text to tell him we were outside, we stood around silently, although it was a comfortable silence seeing as we had been best friends for years. It didn't take too long for my brother to pull up at the side of the road with a smile on his face. I grabbed Oli's arm and pushed past a few of the remaining people that were still here, probably waiting for the bands to run through to their busses or something.

We climbed in the car and that's when Ethan spoke up. "Where were you two for so long?" he asked with slight worry, but it wasn't that evident. "It's a long story" I muttered, still in a little shock.

Kellin's POV

I was more than pleased that we got her details. In all honesty, there was something about her that intrigued me, and it made me want to get closer to her, however bad that may have sounded. We pushed our way through the people outside before reaching our bus, where we stuck Jess' details to the fridge. "Whats this?" Tom, our tour manager laughed lightly. "Its a long story that we'll explain another time, although its the whole reason we asked about detail sharing" Justin laughed as he sat down with a drink. I grabbed a bottle of mountain dew before joining him where we ended up playing a game whilst waiting to be able to clear the venue and do whatever needed to be done.

It was almost midnight and we were finally heading back into the venue to pack up our gear and load it into the trailer. Once we were inside, we ran into our Mexican friends. "Hey guys" they smiled at us as we all headed to where the stage was situated. "Victor!" I yelled playfully, smirking at him. He gave me a glare, and as soon as we were all through the doors that lead to the stage, I found myself being tackled to the ground by a small man, which clearly meant Vic didn't take too kindly to my use of his name. "Alright, I'm sorry!" I yelled in protest as I failed at escaping his grip. "You'd better be" he pouted as he stood up and offered me a hand off the floor. I looked over at Jesse who was now playfully glaring at Vic. As Vic began apologising for tackling me to the ground, I found myself in hysterics as Jesse charged into his side and sent the both of them onto the floor, which was noticed by everyone else in the room. "Do not tackle my Kellin!" Jesse smirked playfully. I was leant down with my hands on my knees to stop myself from falling to the ground from laughing too much. "Sorry Lawson" Vic pouted, pretending to be hurt. At that moment Jaime jumped into Jesse for running into Vic, and Justin jumped into Jaime, then Mike shoved Justin, Jack pushed Mike, Tony poked Jack and Gabe stole Tonys hat. It was all too funny to watch, but then Tom and Kevin, Pierce the Veil's tour manager, told us all to help them out with packing up our stuff so we could get going. Touring was great.


Listening to; We Don't Belong by Black Veil Brides

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