Part 16

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Part Sixteen.

Jaime's POV

Everyone was rushing around Jess' house, and I can't say I blamed them; the way we found Jess was just awful! I can't believe someone would do this. Kellin and Vic decided they would stay with her until she woke up because she felt light headed and wanted to sleep, which was understandable, I mean, it looked like she hit her head or something? I don't know but she looked pretty rough. "Can someone please tell me what happened now?" Oli, at least that's the name I heard Kellin say, asked, but everyone's been blanking him because Kellin reckons she ran off because of him. I feel kind of bad for the kid though, we have no evidence she did run off because of him. "What- where am I?" Jess asked, sitting up as she rubbed her head; finally, she's awake! "We found..." I was stopped mid-sentence by a relieved Kellin. "Can I have a minute with Jess please?" he asked and everyone looked at each other, trying to figure out what was going on. Eventually we all left to introduce ourselves officially to her parents and left Kellin and Jess alone.

Kellin's POV

Come on Jess, please wake up? We had been sat in her living room waiting for her to wake up because she felt the need to sleep, and ended up falling asleep on Jesse's, Tony's and Jaime's laps in the car, so I volunteered to carry her in. I'd rather it be me than the others; there was nothing wrong with them, I just wanted to be able to hold Jess in my arms, and to see anyone else do that would kill me inside. I definitely fell too hard too fast, but what can I say? She was beautiful, calm, and she just gave off a positive vibe.

"What- where am I?" Jess asked as she sat up, revealing the wound on her head. I needed to help her with that injury... "We found-" Jaime, please shut up, this is my moment. "Can I have a minute with Jess please?" I asked, looking at each one of the guys, cutting Jaime off from his sentence. After they all looked at each other, they all walked off and left Jess and I alone. Finally!

"What happened to me Kellin?" she asked, sounding sleepy and worried. I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything was alright. "Well you went walking, as you already know, and as we went walking around by your street and looked down one of the ally's, we saw three really tall guys attacking you, and we brought you back here... do you seriously not remember?" I explained, trying not to lose her with my long sentences; her head was probably in enough pain as it is, I didn't want to confuse her as well. "I think I do, it's just all so blurry... did I hit my head?" she asked, reaching up to hold the wound that stained her perfect head. "Ouch!" she screamed out and I quickly stood up and stopped her from falling off the table. At that moment she looked up into my eyes, and I felt the emptiness inside me leave... she completes me, I swear I feel like nothing could bring me down right now. Something about this moment made my heart flutter, with butterflies jumping around my stomach like they were having a field day. I felt like I had known this girl my whole life, and that we were extremely close. I wanted to be closer to her, even though that would probably be a mistake.

I leant forward to try and claim Jess as my own when Jack walked in. At that moment I pulled back from Jess as quickly as possible to try and hide my feelings that had sprung from nothing. "Yeah, Jess' parents want to see you and her, they sound worried.." Jack said and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her parents; they had just been told their daughter was found in an ally being beaten by three really buff guys by two of the bands she listens to, one of which is the one that proposed to hang out with her, but back then I didn't feel this way about her. But more than anything I felt sorry for Jess. I was instantly reminded of the almost-kiss I had with her, and now I was just annoyed at Jack for ruining what could have been a perfect moment...


Listening to; Adams song by Blink182

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