Part 2

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Part Two.

Jess' POV

It was 6:30am and I was, unfortunately, wide awake; I think I was the only one in the house awake at this time because my family were actually quite lazy, despite what other people may have believed. As I stretched, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Well thats just great, I must have fallen asleep on it. I slowly swung my legs out of bed, throwing my duvet on the floor before I sat there for a while. It felt like I had forever before I actually needed to get up, but then the show didn't start until 7pm. When I arrived downstairs, Ethan was still asleep on the sofa so I tried to be careful not to wake him as I crept through to the kitchen. I pulled the kitchen door shut quietly and plugged my iPhone into the docking station. As I looked through my playlists, I found my Pierce the Veil songs and played 'Yeah Boy, And Doll Face'; I figured I would have enough Sleeping with Sirens songs to listen to later, so there was no point in playing them now. I put the kettle on and put two pieces of bread into the toaster; to be honest I wasn't really that hungry, but I would need to eat quite a bit before we leave, because I would be standing in a line for ages.

A few hours later, everyone was gathered in the living room. Mum took Justin off to school and Ethan and I were fighting over what should be on the tv. I won and Kerrang was played for the whole house to hear once again, receiving a few moans of protest. Ethan, after admitting defeat, went upstairs and I was left with dad. I needed to call Oli and check that he was still definitely coming tonight. I mean, I was not going on my own. I just hoped he hadn't made any other plans since we had arranged this quite a few months ago. "I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to see if Oli is still up for tonight" I smiled at my father as I ran up to my room. I took my phone off charge where it had recently been placed and looked through my contacts until I finally reached my best friend. After a couple of rings, I could hear Oli's tired voice answer, and it was obvious that I had just woken him up. "Hey Oli, listen, I still have that spare ticket for tonight and I really hope you're still up for it?" There was a long awkward silence before he spoke up again. "Of course! Although I'm sure I wasn't your first choice for this ticket and if you want someone else to go instead then take them." I felt my face drop, bringing a pain to my gut at his lack of faith in me. "Of course you're my first choice. Who else would I take?" I heard him sigh from the other end of the phone. "In that case..... Yes, I would love to come, there isn't anything else I would rather do." Thank god he hadn't changed his mind. "Okay, that's great! We'll collect you at about four, is that okay?"

"Yeah. Listen I'm sorry but I've got to go, I'll see you later." He hung up and I smiled, clenching my phone to my chest as I began exhaling slowly.

I still had quite a few hours to kill, and I had literally nothing to do. So, after reaching extreme boredom, I walked downstairs and started poking Ethan in an annoying way. "What is it Jess?" he asked in slight frustration. "I'm hungry and bored. Can we go get food please" I asked and he gave me a look of annoyance before he sighed and his expression softened. He nodded and lead me out to his car after grabbing his keys and anything else he might have needed.

We drove into town, and Ethan offered to buy the both of us food, which I really wasn't complaining about; it just meant I had more money for later. "So, who is it you're going to see again?" he asked as he took a bite of his food. "It's a band called Sleeping with Sirens" I smiled back as I started pushing the food around on my plate. "Never heard of them" he shrugged with a slight laugh. I pretended to be shocked, staring at him as he ate, and he obviously felt my death glares that could have probably scared anyone off. "I'm sorry" he shrugged as he continued to eat. I started to eat whatever it was that Ethan had ordered me and it didn't taste that bad, and that's when my eyes met his. Someone so familiar to me, even though I didn't know him personally. The distance between us didn't matter, because my heart literally stopped for a split second. He was here, completely coincidentally, and I cursed myself for staring like an idiot. He smiled at me, and that's when my breathing faltered once again. One of the most inspirational people to me were in the same room as me. That man, was Kellin Quinn.

Kellin's POV

The guys and I were walking around deciding what to do whilst we passed the time before the show later. I physically couldn't believe that we had nearly sold out this show, it was amazing! We had sold out shows before, but the feeling never changed, because it was always a shock when something big happened for us as a band. "Why don't we go over there and grab a bite to eat?" Gabe suggested, and we all made a noise of agreement before we began the journey over to a small seated area with a few food places surrounding it. We hurried over to a table and I was quick to let my eyes wander round, and that's when I saw her. A beautiful girl sat with a guy who was gracefully eating, and I couldn't help but notice that she had a Sleeping with Sirens shirt on. She clearly knew who we were, but that really didn't bother me; in that moment, she was absolutely the most beautiful person I had ever seen. My mind drifted, causing me to wonder if she was coming tonight? I flashed her a smile before I sat with the idiots I call my best friends, and it turned out they had already ordered for me, so now we were just sat here, waiting for our food. "Hey, did you guys notice the girl with one of our shirts" Jesse laughed as he started messing around with his phone. "I did" I smiled rather quickly, mentally cursing myself for being too quick with an answer. "We should go and say hi" he laughed. "Not such a good idea to be honest, remember what happened last time" Justin laughed from opposite me. That was quite a disaster in all fairness; it took us forever to get back to the venue, not to mention we were late for soundcheck!

We kept taking about random little things like tweaks for our next setlist until our food arrived, and we ate rather quickly before going to leave. I waved at the girl and she blushed under my intense stare as we left to head towards the venue. I wish we could have said hello.


Listening to; Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember

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