Part 9

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Part Nine.

Jess' POV

I opened my bedroom door to see that Oli had already put everything down on the floor and was sat down on my bed, and I quickly joined him after placing the bag to the side of my room. We were sat in silence for a while before I decided it was time to break the awkwardness that was lingering around us. "So did you enjoy last night?" I asked in anticipation, hoping he didn't make things more awkward. Ever since what happened, I couldn't help but find it slightly awkward being around Oli on my own, but he was my best friend, practically my only friend, and I appreciated that. "Probably not as much as you did, but yes, I have to say it was a great evening." At least he enjoyed himself, even if his experience was different to mine.

It was about 3pm and I was still excited, waiting for the day that Sleeping with Sirens would contact me. But what if that day never came? Then all my excitement, all my hopes would be crushed. I sat there for about an hour wondering if I wrote down the right number, address and email. Did I write down the right details? I couldn't even remember anymore. It may have only been last night, but my mind was so foggy, and right now I hated myself for that.


After spending a few hours listening to music and playing video games with Oli, he decided to go home and I decided to shut myself away from everyone and do what I do best. Read. I could sit there for hours reading, mainly fan fictions though. They always made me feel better, reading made up stories of my favourite band members. Who doesn't like that?

'A Trophy Fathers A Trophy Son' started playing. A phonecall! I ran over to where my phone was charging and picked it up. Damn it, it was just my parents. I let it continue to ring because they just made me get excited for nothing. Worst timing ever. After my phone had rung a few times though, they decided to send me a text instead.
-there's some mail downstairs for you, it looked important but you were busy upstairs so we left you to it. go and open it. love you
Why on earth was I getting mail? I ran downstairs quicker than I ever had and picked up the small envelope. The writing was extremely neat. I wonder who could have written it?

Kellin's POV

We decided we would drive and post it at her house ourselves seeing as we had a day off today and it meant she would get the letter quicker, which I was absolutely certain that she was looking forward to; Tom had completely forgotten to post it before, but it just meant we had something to do for an hour. "Tom, you can post it, you're more mature than us" Gabe laughed, throwing the envelope at him. He caught it and smirked at us which just made us laugh more than anything. The bus pulled up outside her house, and it looked stunning, I never imagined it would look like this, but then again, I never imagined it at all. There were no cars or anything outside, so we were going under the impression that no one was in, although we could have easily been wrong. She didn't look much younger than us, so maybe she lived alone? It was always a possibility.

A few moments later, Tom jumped back on the bus and smiled. "The deed is done" he laughed. For some unknown reason that I will never understand, Justin ran through the bus and tackled Tom to the ground, which I thought was absolutely hilarious. Tom on the other hand looked quite annoyed. "Justin! What the fuck was that for?" he pouted, causing a laugh to catch at the back of mine and Jesse's throat. "Payback?" Justin replied as more of a question. "For what" Tom laughed, pushing him lightly. Justin just shrugged before walking back to the other end of the bus to continue whatever it was that he was doing. Once Tom had stood back up and brushed himself off, he looked at all of us with a serious expression. "Now that that's done, what do you guys want to do? Like, is there anything in particular? Because you have the day off and I'm sure you don't want to sit here all day on this bus" he laughed lightly.


Listening to; Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil

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