Part 4

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Part Four.

Jess' POV

We made our way through the large, noisy crowd and somehow managed to make it to the barrier. I was actually surprised we made it here, it meant a lot of pushing which I did apologise for, but I wanted to be able to see my five heroes clearly whilst they performed their asses off; the only problem with being here was all the pushing that was bound to happen.

As Oli and I stood in silence whilst everyone else was screaming at each other, I let my mind take control. I wondered if Kellin would remember me? If he did, it would just be as the girl from outside a venue. Who was I trying to kid, Kellin wouldn't remember me. I was just another one of the fans that would scream and probably murder to get to know them in their eyes. The supporting acts were playing their hearts out, and one of them just so happened to be another one of my favourite bands; Pierce the Veil! I was actually one of the luckiest people alive right now. I had completely forgotten about Oli being here to be honest, but could you blame me? I was standing directly in front of the stage with Pierce the Veil playing, and soon I would be graced to see Sleeping with Sirens live directly in front of me.

The supporting acts had finished and the stage turned completely black for a while while they got ready for the headline act.

The large room that everyone was stood in was filling up with screaming when suddenly, the back of the stage lit up and the words 'SLEEPING WITH SIRENS' were in large black lettering on the bright white background. The screaming grew louder and a drum beat started to play. I couldn't believe this was actually happening! And I especially couldn't believe I was right at the front of the crowd, directly inline where Kellin's outline was behind the large white sheet. I stared at the dark outline and saw Kellin look up at the audience and I thought for a moment he was looking at me, but that was probably just my mind playing tricks on me, it would be a dream come true, and my mind knew that.

The setlist was in an amazing order, and I was very pleased with the songs that were being performed tonight. I could have sworn throughout the performance, Kellin and a few of the other guys were glancing at me, but once again, it was probably just the fangirl within me.

The last song was played; If You Can't Hang. A great song to end the amazing performance on. When the song had finished, the band said their good nights and walked off stage. Everyone was calling for an encore, but it soon became apparent that there wouldn't be one, so the crowd began piling out of the concert venue in a not so orderly fashion. Nearly all the crowd had gone and Oli and I were about to walk off when someone grabbed my hand. Oh shit! I was being held by a security member, what did I do wrong? Did I unintentionally injure someone? Did I somehow cross the boundary between the stage and the waist-high metal fencing? "Sorry to alert you but you might want to come with me" the large man said in a friendly manner, and I honestly didn't think he could sound more manlier with the deepness of his voice. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked cautiously, looking beside me at Oli's smirk; what had he done? "No but just trust me, you definitely want to come with me. Your friend can come along too." My automatic reaction was to turn fully and look at Oli, who shrugged and looked at me innocently, a gleam in his eye. I nodded at the security member and followed him to a gate leading into the boundary between stage and audience; I seriously believed that Oli had something to do with this, his face looked guilty for something, but not a bad kind of guilty. My heart started racing as I make a few assumptions as to what was going on. Did Oli somehow create a backstage surprise? I highly doubt it, I'm sure a lot of people ask to go backstage, but then again, they wouldn't let anyone, would they? Did they find something I don't remember doing on a security camera? Lets be honest here, probably not. We were walking down a long dark corridor when the security member stopped at a blank white door and gestured us in. There were a few chairs scattered around, a coffee table and drink machines, along with drinks lined up along a table. "Please, help yourselves" he said, nodding towards the variety of drinks. "You two stay here and I will be back shortly" the security guard said as he left. What the hell was going on? I texted Ethan and told him to just hang around for a bit, and that we should be out soon, even though I had no idea what was going on.

"Oli, do you have any idea what's going on?" I asked as I threw him a can of monster. "Honestly Jess, I have no idea" he shrugged as he stiffled a laugh. "Okay seriously, don't lie to me Oli, I know when you're lying" I smirked at him. He shook his head and continued to drink his drink, leaving me to stand in an awkward silence. I knew that Oli knew what was going on, I was just annoyed that he wouldn't tell me.


Listening to: Weightless by All Time Low

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