Part 7

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Part Seven.

Jess' POV

We were now making the journey home after being stopped by Sleeping with Sirens, only to have them propose the greatest thing ever. I wonder if Ethan knew? It was very unlikely though. "Hey Oli, did you tell Ethan about what happened?" I whispered, hoping that Ethan wouldn't hear. He shook his head, still smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and tapped Ethan on the shoulder. He turned his head and smiled at me, even though he was driving. "What's up?" His voice told me that he was genuinely intrigued to hear what I had to say. "Okay, so for some random yet amazing reason, I'm going to be spending a day with Sleeping with Sirens." Ethan slammed his foot on the brakes, pulled over to the side of the road and stared at me. Holy crap, this was not how I expected him to react. "What do you mean, you're spending a day with them?" He sounded pretty pissed off to be honest, and I couldn't understand why. "Well, they held us back and proposed to spend a day with me and there was no way I was turning it down" I said calmly. "Really. Well that's not going to happen" he said angrily. "What! Why not?" I yelled. "Because Jess, how the fuck do I know they can be trusted, or that it's not some scam" he yelled back. "Because they're not like that! I've listened to them for years and I trust them with my life" I replied. "I don't care, I'm not letting this happen." I couldn't help the next words that escaped my mouth, it was just an 'in the moment' thing. "I hate you" I spat as I looked out the window.

The rest of the journey home was really quiet and extremely awkward. I was guessing that he didn't like the idea of letting his sister that he rarely see's spend the day with her favourite band that she has loved for so many years, even though it was literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. He didn't have any control over me anyway, I may be his little sister, but I'm practically an adult, in fact, I was an adult. I looked over to Oli and he had fallen asleep, I didn't blame him, I would love to have been asleep. I was just glad he didn't have to witness what was happening. Too bad I was being torn apart inside thanks to Ethan. I sent a quick text to my mum, letting her know the situation, just the casual 'I'm on my way home' and 'how are you', at least when I told her about the proposition she seemed a lot happier than Ethan did.

-are you serious? You didn't turn them down did you? When is it happening? How did this happen? Tell me everything when you get home! Love you x

My mum seriously caught up with our generation on the whole technology side, which I was actually grateful for; it was a lot easier to contact her this way. With the way my mum was acting, I could tell that I was still going to be allowed to go, which made me happier after the way my brother reacted. I didn't understand why he was so pissed about it, he should be happy, I know I would be if it was someone else.

We finally arrived home and all I wanted to do was run upstairs and go to bed; I was physically and emotionally exhausted. "Oli, wake up." He slowly opened his eyes and sat up. "Are we home?" He sounded so much calmer and sweeter when he had just woken up and still wanted to sleep. "Well, we're at mine but your mums going to pick you up, even though you live just down the road." He nodded and climbed out of the car, whereas I just sat and glared at Ethan before jumping out myself. "Jess wait, come on." I chose to ignore him, no matter how much I hated doing so; he had argued with me about hanging out with my Sleeping with Sirens. Yet somehow, he managed to catch up with me and grab my arm. "Ethan let go, I'm not in the mood right now!" I walked off and stormed upstairs; I would forgive my brother eventually, he just needed to give me time to calm down, especially after what he was trying to prevent me from doing.

I felt the bed beside me dip, but I was thankful that it was just my mum. "Is everything okay?" she asked, rubbing my back in attempt to comfort me. "Yeah" I replied blankly. "Ethan says he pissed you off" she laughed lightly. "Yeah. You know I said the band wants to spend the day with me? Well Ethan won't allow it and I don't see why" I sighed as I rolled over onto my back so I could face her. "Well, I can see where he's coming from, but I won't stop you from seeing them" she smiled. "Thanks mum" I smiled back, sitting up to hug her. "Well, I need to make sure Justin is asleep" she smiled as she left. They may treat me like a child, but I was nowhere near one, and I think my mum could see that. I just wish Ethan could.


Listening to; Dont You Dare Forget The Sun by Get Scared

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