Part 23

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Part Twenty Three.

Kellins POV

We were all headed towards the changing room when the Pierce the Veil guys came up to us. "That was a great show guys!" they all said at once, making the rest of us laugh. I saw Vic staring at Jess who was held under my arm as I was holding her as close as possible to me, my arm around her shoulders. After a deep conversation about how 'the show couldn't have been better' Vic finally spoke to me. "Kellin can I talk to you..." he asked, concern evident in his voice, "alone?" I nodded, pecking Jess on the lips before we walked off with Vic to the Pierce the Veil dressing room.

When we finally arrived Vic opened the door, allowing me to step in first before he followed and shut the door behind him. "What's up?" I asked him, making myself at home on the black leather sofa placed at the edge of the green room. "I just needed to make sure this, and honestly I trust you, but I had to make sure" he said cautiously as he sat opposite me. "Right" I replied, dragging out the word to show I was listening and slightly concerned. "Okay so don't take this the wrong way, and please just listen to everything I have to say before replying" he said, and to that I just nodded. "You're one of my best friends Kellin, and I want to make sure you're making the right decisions all the time because in reality you're like a brother to me, and I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual. And I just want to ask you, to treat Jess right. I know you will! Because you are a true gentleman when it comes to relationships but, Jess deserves to be treated right. But yeah, I had to get that off my chest, but believe me, I know you will treat her right" he said, looking really nervous at the fact he just told me all this, which I think means something; did he like Jess too? "Thank you Vic, and believe me I will treat her right, I never felt this way about a girl before, you know? And I have to ask, I won't be mad, do you like Jess?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't hate me for asking. "Truthfully?" he asked, and I nodded with a smile that he knew means I'm calm and ready for anything. "I do..." he said looking at the floor, intertwining his fingers together, "... but honestly I'm happy for you two, its something I can live with, it'll pass. Just make sure she's happy yeah?" he said, which made me want to cry due to the fact that he would try so hard to be happy for me. He really is a true friend, no, brother.

"We should head back" he said; we had been talking and laughing for a while, that was something we hadn't really done in ages. "Yeah, you're probably right" I said, still laughing from the memories he brought up. "Come on.." he said, reaching his hand out to me, "... you can make it up to me for leaving me for a girl" he said jokingly, winking as I grabbed his hand and started laughing uncontrollably.

Jess' POV

They had been gone for ages; I wonder what they're doing? "Jess!" Jaime screamed, picking me up and swinging me round in the air. "What is it?" I asked, trying not to struggle away from his grasp; if I did I would end up falling to the ground, and that wasn't something I wanted anytime soon. "Where did they go? Kellin stole my Victor" he said, dragging out Vic's name to make him sound slightly childish, which was definitely working. "I'm beginning to wonder that myself Jaime" I said, going from laughing to a serious face, at which point Jaime put me down and pulled me in for a hug, realising I was slightly worried. "Its alright, they'll be back soon, kay?" he said, hugging me tighter. "What's wrong?" he asked, he was clearly indicating at the fact I had a tear rolling down my cheek, which I didn't even know until now. "Nothing" I said smiling, wiping away the tear that had somehow made it down my face. At that moment, Kellin and Vic came round the corner laughing to each other, until they saw me, which made their faces go from a smile to concern. "Jess what's wrong?" Kellin asked as he rushed over to me, pulling me over to one of the chairs backstage and placed me onto his lap, cradling me to calm me down. "Nothing's wrong Kellin I'm fine" I said smiling at him. "No you're not, what is it?" he replied, still encasing me in his arms. "Honestly, it's nothing" I said, still smiling, and I heard him sigh but nod, not letting go of me the whole time.

I must have fallen asleep on his lap because I found myself in one of the bunks on the Sleeping with Sirens tour bus. I carefully climbed out, ensuring not to hit my head on the wood that held the bunk above me together, and walked towards the lounge area, where I found all five boys sat around the table talking. As soon as Jesse saw me he jumped up, alerting the others of my presence. "Jess" he said, picking me up bridal style, receiving one of the most playful yet threatening looks I had ever seen from Kellin. "Jesse, I would be ever so grateful if you put my girlfriend down" he said, winking at Jesse. Jesse started to pretend to cry as he put me down, which just made everyone else laugh, including me. Once the laughter had died down, I decided now would be a good time to ask the question I really wanted an answer to. "How long was I out for?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. Kellin pulled out his phone and looked at the time before he looked back at me. "Only an hour or so" he smiled. Kellin patted the spot next to him on the sofa, asking me to sit next to him. I sat down and before I knew it, Kellin lifted me onto his lap and was holding me close to his chest. "Are you going to tell me why you were crying yet?" he asked sweetly. I shook my head and he just nodded, pressing our lips together, which resulted in the other guys yelling 'get a room!'. I think I could get used to this.


Listening to; Misery Business by Paramore

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