Part 36

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Part Thirty Six.

Jess' POV

The ride to the venue was smooth. The bus didn't feel like it was moving, even though you could see quite clearly that it was when you look out the surprisingly large and tainted windows. All the guys were getting ready as much as they could in the confined space of the bus, they were just doing the basics, only Kellin was obviously doing his hair; You could smell the strong scent from his can of hairspray.

I was sat there messing around on my phone, allowing the guys to change into their gear and Tom to plan what we were doing after the show, but he was sat in the front with the driver. I thought I would go on twitter and do a bit of scrolling through my profile. I had never noticed before how much of a fangirl I looked from my old tweets. There were so many about Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Asking Alexandria, All Time Low; this would be awkward if Kellin decided to go through my twitter profile. Seeing as I still loved loads of other bands, including the one that I was currently finishing a tour with, I decided I would go on keek and watch Alex and Jack from All Time Low. I pulled my black earphones out that were studded on the earpieces and put one in my ear as I curled up into the corner of the sofa in the front lounge of the bus. I plugged the earphones into my phone and started to watch the All Time Low guys contently.

Even though the volume through my earphones was quite high, I still heard one of the guys shout 'Shut up!', probably at a stupid and playful remark made towards them, and It wasn't long before Kellin came out and sat beside me.

Kellins POV

"Kellin you need to stop using so much hairspray on the bus, like seriously, I'm dying over here!" Jesse called towards me. "It's not like you need it Kells, you are a man right?" Justin winked in my direction. "Shut up!" I yelled back, playfully throwing a pillow in their direction, hitting Gabe instead. "Sorry Gabe, I was aiming for those dicks" I said as I pointed at the two who attempted to insult me. He laughed and I threw my hairspray back into my bunk and went out to join Jess.

I opened the door to the bunk area and stepped out to see Jess curled up on the sofa watching something on her phone, so I decided I would go and join her. I sat beside her and noticed she was on keek, watching the guys from All Time Low. She looked quite happy in that moment, just watching them act like the idiots they are, last time we saw them we were all laughing for ages, but it had been a while. I took the earphone that wasn't in her ear and placed it in mine so we could both watch them; I will admit, they can be really funny.

After a while of watching them and going on YouTube, her phone died so we sat in comfortable silence for a while, our hands intertwined, until the rest of the guys burst in; they took their time getting ready! "Seriously guys all you had to do was change! You've been in there ages, even I finished before you" I laughed, knowing that I was normally the last one to be ready. "Whatever Kells, are we almost there?" Justin asked and I shrugged before looking back at Jess, who was sat there smiling, trying her best not to laugh. I raised my eyebrow at her which pushed her, and she burst out into laughter. I forgot she find it funny when I do that, I should've remembered from when I raised my eyebrow the last time at her house. I shuddered at the memory that followed that thought, finding Jess in that ally. I still couldn't believe that happened. Jess must have noticed something was on my mind, as a look of confusion washed her face before she meekly smiled at me, to which I smiled back before pulling her face closer to mine and gently pressed our lips together.

We arrived at the venue, and hadn't even stepped off the bus when you could already hear everyone screaming through the solid metal walls of the bus. "This time you're not leaving my side and I'm keeping my eye on you" I said, lopsided smiling at Jess who simply nodded and smiled back. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it slightly before running off to the kitchen. I grabbed some Mountain Dew for Jess and I before heading back towards the lounge where we all grabbed a sharpie incase the fans didn't bring one for us to sign stuff with. I walked back over to Jess and reached out my hand for her to take in hers, which she gladly did, smiling in my direction. I handed her the cold Mountain Dew before walking towards the door, dragging her slowly behind me. "Everyone! Make sure to not let the fans take any item off of you, they are bound to sell it on eBay!" I said to everyone on the bus as seriously as possible, receiving a crowd of laughter. For 6 guys and a girl, we were all pretty loud. "Who wants to get ambushed first?" Tom asked. We all pointed towards him knowing that it was probably safer to let Tom out first. He sighed before putting his hands up in surrender and opened the surprisingly heavy door and stepped out to where security guards were holding back a mass amount of fans, which were now screaming more as Justin stepped out followed by Gabe. Jack followed and I looked at Jess and smiled before stepping out and waiting for her by the door, followed by Jesse. I looked around to see her standing still in the bus looking in the crowd, probably for a particular face that I could already guess. I grabbed her hand causing her vision to stop at me, and as she relaxed I could see a smile appear on her face, so I lifted her off the bus and on to the solid concrete ground. I took hold of her hand once again and pulled her through the sea of security guards and fans, occasionally stopping to sign some things and take the odd picture, not once releasing Jess' hand. She got the odd glare from fans but ignored it. I'm amazed; most people would get annoyed but Jess just smiled it off. This is yet another reason to love her, I can take her literally anywhere and she won't care about the attention.

After about ten minutes of being outside and constant hand holding we got inside and headed towards the green rooms, passing a very noisy Pierce the Veil dressing room. They weren't very hard to find. We arrived at ours and Jess was clearly feeling uncomfortable. "I don't see why you're panicking love, we already got changed on the bus" I laughed, which she just joined in with. "Speak for yourself" Justin winked as he began walking around shirtless. By now Jess was in hysterics and I was trying not to laugh at her contagious laughter. "Knock knock" Vic said as he walked into our room, staring at Jess before glancing down at me who was pointing towards Justin. Vic smiled, shaking his head at our stupidity. He just walked through the door and was about to close it when Jaime jumped on him, causing them both to fall to the floor. Jess was now on the floor with them, barely breathing due to the amount of laughing she was doing; I didn't even think it was normal to laugh that much. "Jaime you dick! Get off of me, I can't breath" Vic yelled as he tried to push Jaime off of him. I walked over to Vic and pulled him up before helping Jess of the floor and into one of the black leather chairs pressed up against the wall. "I only came to check if you were here, then I get tackled to the floor!" Vic whined, gesturing towards Jaime who was now leaving. "Well here we are, in the flesh, especially Justin" I replied, resulting in Jess to laugh again and Justin to wink playfully. "Okay well I'm going to go and beat Jaime up!" Vic smiled casually before running back out of the room. "Can you breath alright now" I asked with a smirk; it was obvious she still hadn't calmed down, but she nodded anyway. "Okay well the show starts in fifteen so shall I take you to where you get to watch from?" I asked and she smiled and nodded, before I picked her up and threw her onto my back and ran out backstage.


Listening to; Oh, Calamity! by All Time Low

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