Part 3

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Part Three.

Jess' POV

It was around 2pm when I was finally starting to feel excited; adrenaline was coursing through my entire body. After what happened earlier, reality had finally kicked in; Kellin Quinn waved at me, could life get any better than that? Probably, but it was definitely one of the best things to have ever happened to me. My bag was now by the front door and my phone was staying on charge until we left. It was two hours until we had to go and collect Oli and head to the concert venue. I was so excited to the point where I physically couldn't eat because it probably would have made me feel sick and I had way too much energy, I mean, I was literally pacing up and down the house, occasionally checking my phone for updates. There was occasionally a tweet notification from various bands and band members, and that was literally the only time I would stay still; to read the tweets my heroes were sending.

The clock finally struck 4 and we pulled up outside Oli's house, even though we would have been better off walking because it really wasn't that far away. I decided to ring him and see if he was ready rather than walk to his door, and if he wasn't I would have literally walked into his house, grabbed him by his surprisingly longish hair and dragged him into the car myself. "Okay Oli, you have two minutes before I come in there after you! You're delaying me time to see the most amazing band in history!" I hung up and sat in silence, twiddling my thumbs, just hoping he would get in the car already. It was probably the shortest conversation I had ever had, at least with him anyway, but I was sure I got the point across. Suddenly the car door opened and I was welcomed by Oli's presence. "Hey Jess, Ethan, sorry I took so long, couldn't find my favourite shoes." I smiled and nodded at him, looking down to see he had his red converse on, looking brand new as always. How he managed to keep his shoes in such great condition I would never know, but I was going to find out his secret someday.

We finally reached the venue after driving for what felt like forever and it was 6 o'clock. We still had an hour and a half before the doors opened, but luckily there wasn't much of a queue which was quite surprising, so we lined up ready to enter the venue that held my favourite band inside. The line was split in two with a metal barrier, one side for the anxious screaming fans and the other side for the band to enter and exit as they please; why they couldn't just use the back door I would never know; that's what it was for anyway.

I stood there, checking the time on my phone when I heard a group of people scream from the far end of the line. I looked up and there they were. The second time in one day I had seen them, and the nerves hit again. Kellin looked up through his hair that was practically hiding his face, and my eyes locked onto his. He must have noticed me staring because he just looked at me and winked, and once again waved. Kellin Quinn winked at me. Why was this so surprising? Why me? Was it because I was one of the only people not screaming at him, or the fact that I looked bored and lonely? Either way I now had Oli shaking me, trying to bring me back to reality, snapping his fingers in my face. "Jess!" he yelled and I finally shook my head, stopping my trail of thoughts from growing even longer. "Good, you're still with us" he laughed lightly, nudging my arm gently. "Yeah, I think" I laughed back before things went silent again.

Once we were finally being let in, everything became so surreal; it was time to see the one and only, Sleeping with Sirens.

Kellin's POV

We jumped off the bus and walked round the corner so we could enter the venue, and once again, there she was, standing out from the rest of the line. I had a feeling she would be here tonight. I winked and waved at her, feeling like an idiot after; why did I do that? I'll never know why I guess, but she looked mesmerised and lost for words. I felt a smile pry at my lips as we entered the large doors. "What's got you so happy?" Jack laughed, nudging my side with his elbow. "Nothing, I'm just excited for the show" I smiled back, hoping he would believe my lie. "Whatever man, anyway, we need to hurry up, because seeing as we left after sound check earlier, I want to make sure my baby is okay" he laughed. I knew when he said 'my baby' he meant his guitar. It was his favourite one, which was why I was just glad I only had to wield a microphone.


Listening to; The Final Episode by Asking Alexandria

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