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Brokenstar woke at moon-high to a pained shriek. He grunted in and got up from his nest. The shriek came again as he padded to the camps clearing, and hopped to the hidden den near the cracked ledge. Thistleclaw was waiting for him, eyes wide.
"What's wrong?" Brokenstar demanded. "She won't shut up! I've tried clawing her, but she won't stop asking about him!" Thistleclaw spat in distaste. "Not again" Brokenstar thought in annoyance, and entered the small den.
A hiss welcomed him as he padded towards the pretty, gray curled up she-cat.
"Thistleclaw tells me you've been really bad." Brokenstar growled softly. The small she-cat lifted her head, showing various deep wounds covering her body. "I-I haven't b-b-been bad." She stuttered, fear hooding her blue eyes. "Is that so?" Brokenstar purred grimly, unsheathing his long claws. The gray she-cat let out a cry of fear and huddled to the edge of the den. Brokenstar lunged at her and grabbed her scruff, throwing her to the ground. He took his claws along her flank, leaving deep, long, bleeding gashes.
"Star Clan help me!" She wailed as she squirmed against the cold ground. Brokenstar sank his claws on her shoulder and got close to her face, his breath beating at her battered ear. "Star Clan is dead, Dovewing." He snarled as he leaned even closer, "Everyone you ever cared about let this happen to you." He whispered.
At those words, Dovewing slumped under his grasp. He felt her sigh in despair and released his grip on her. Brokenstar said those words to her every day for the past five moons. And finally he had success. He smirked and ran his tail through her torn up flank. "Sweet dreams Dovey" Brokenstar purred, seeing the prophecy cat completely destroyed.

One down, two to go.

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