{5} Painful Memories

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            Black clouds painted the sky as the midnight breeze gently grazed Ivypool's silver fur.

               The tabby was leaning against Bumblestripe's shoulder, sighing softly as she studied the piercing white stars. She wondered if her ancestors were really looking after her, trying to save them from the misery of the dark forest.

              As if reading her mind, Bumblestripe wrapped his tail warmly around her back reassuringly. "I know they're out there. I can feel it," he whispered, his cool breath tickling the inside of her ear, "We're going to be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you."

               Ivypool couldn't help but smile, happy to have such a great friend at her side. Besides Icecloud and Blossomfall, Bumblestripe was the closest friend she had at the moment.

         But the downside was, every time she stared into his golden eyes, she was reminded of her sister. She hadn't seen Dovewing in two moons, and it broke her heart everytime she thought of her littermate.

          It was worse for Bumblestripe, Ivypool realized not too long ago, when the "incident" happened. Even though they never spoke of her, she knew he longed for Dovewing,

           No, Dovewing wasn't dead. They had seen that two moons ago. Ivypool shivered at the sudden memories that swarmed through her mind.


          "May all cats gather around the Broken Stone for a clan meeting!"

           Brokenstar's yowl woke Ivypool, who was curled up by Blossomfall's side. Lifting her head warily, Ivypool nudged Blossomfall gently with her paw.

           "Blossomfall! We have a clan meeting." Ivypool meowed urgently in a hushed voice. Every cat knew what happened if you didn't attend a clan meeting.

            "Five more min- Wait, clan meeting?" Blossomfall leaped to her paws, her eyes wide. Ivypool copied the dappled she-cat's actions and rose to her paws, her dark blue eyes glinting anxiously.

           The two cats met up with Icecloud and Bumblestripe in the crowd of cats, everyone looking uneasy. Ivypool quickly padded to Bumblestripe's side, leaning on the pale striped tom while he wrapped his tail around her back protectively. She prayed to Starclan that they weren't having any Death Trails.

             Death Trails was when Brokenstar or his deputy picked two cats to fight to the death. It was horrifying to watch.

            "Thanks for gathering, my dear clan mates," Brokenstar began, his eyes holding an unreadable emotion while his lips curled into a smug smirk, "I am proud to say that I have found my mate, the love of my life. She will soon be giving birth to our clan's heir!"

        Ivypool felt a surge confusion. Brokenstar had a mate? Most importantly, what did he mean by heir?

       "I know you're all anxious to meet her," Brokenstar continued as many cats casted curious glances towards him, "Let me assure you that she's the most beautiful creature I've ever come across. And even better, she holds very powerful blood in her veins that will make the new generation of clan cats unbeatable. Let me introduce you to my mate and mother of my unborn kits: Dovewing!"

        Shrieks of horror and disapproval was heard from the crowd of cats, and Ivypool realized one of them belonged to her.

         Dovewing's condition looked absolutely terrible. Her once fluffy, pale gray fur was now ruffled and messy, patches of her fur gone and caked with dried blood. Her brilliant blue gaze was clouded over and emotionless, a dead look on her face. Most horrifying of all, she had scars littering across body, and her belly was noticeably swollen.

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