{4} Losing Everything

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Dovewing was curled up around her small nest, her once brilliant blue gaze glassed over as she started intently at the den wall. Her flanks raised up and down with shaky breaths as her mind was still blank with shock. Every inch of her body ached, and she choked back a sob when she recalled last nights events.

                     ~Flash Back~

          The sound of heavy paw steps made Dovewing lift her head from its place on her paws. Her pelt pricked along her spine as she saw Brokenstar's large dark brown tabby form. Her wounds had just starts to heal, but she knew they would soon bleed out again. Why did it even matter anymore? The pain was now rather numb to her.

To Dovewing's surprise, Brokenstar didn't lunge, instead, a cruel smirk tugged his lips as his cold amber swept over her with an unreadable expression which made her shiver.

"How are you today, Dovewing?" Brokenstar circled Dovewing slowly, his gaze still locked on her.

"Fine." Dovewing replied quietly, turning away from his stare.

"That's good." Brokenstar meowed coldly, though he didn't sound interested in her response at all. He stopped circling her and neared her side, towering over her as he ran his tail down her spine. "You know you're beautiful, right?"

Dovewing began to feel very uncomfortable, and she tried to shrug of his tail slowly. "Um.. Thank you." She didn't know how to feel about his comment, but her heart sank as she met his gaze again. Brokenstar's amber eyes were clouded with cruel hunger.

"You have always had a special place for me, Dovewing." Brokenstar continued, his tail starting to wander which made Dovewing flinch as she clenched her teeth.

"You're lying." The pale gray she-cat hissed, actually holding Brokenstar's stare with her own disgusted one, "All you do with me is torture me."

Brokenstar chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "That's not what I meant, my dear Dovewing." He paused, waiting momentarily for her to soak in his words, "The blood of the prophecy runs in your veins, along with your powers. Imagine how much power your offspring could hold."

That's when it hit Dovewing harder then any set of piercing claws could. Brokenstar didn't care about her. He only cared about her power. It was like an unhealthy obsession, and she didn't like where it was going.

Dovewing let out a gasp as Brokenstar quickly removed his tail off her, his cold smirk growing wider.

"Don't touch me." Dovewing snarled at Brokenstar shakily, unsheathing her claws and getting up from her nest so she could back up towards the entrance of the den. Her mind was screaming for her to run, but she remembered what had happened last time she had tried to escape. Thistleclaw had caught up to her in no time and she still had three scars scored across her flank.

"Now, that's not a good way to talk to the future father of your kits, is it, Dovey?" Brokenstar chuckled in amusement, nearing her with each step Dovewing took back.  She felt sick, and her heart pounded loudly against her chest.

"You monster," Dovewing spat, hating that her voice was trembling and lashing her tail in disgust, "I will never bare your kits."

"You act as if you have a choice."

With that, Dovewing was quickly pinned to the den floor on her back, her belly facing up. The position Brokenstar had pinned her in had forced her to meet his cruel amber eyes, as she was unable to turn her head elsewhere. Usually, when Brokenstar tortured her, she closed her eyes and let the tears flow, but now she had no other option but to meet his menacing stare. Brokentstar's smirk grew wider as his hungry amber eyes traced up and down her body, and Dovewing shivered in horror at what would be coming next.  She couldn't help but let a tear trail down her cheek, stifling a small sob. She couldn't accept what was happening, she had always wanted kits someday, but not like this... The large, dark brown tabby tom's hot breath beat against face, and his gaze finally made her way back to hers.

"This is going to be fun. I finally get to see the pain in your pretty eyes."

              ~End of Flashback~

      Dovewing let out quiet sobs as she remembered how last night had been the worst night of her life. She had lost everything.

She wished more than ever that her family would be here to support her. But to her horror, she couldn't remember their names or faces the past couple of moons. Or was it days? Time seemed to be a blur, along with her memories. Dovewing's hearing powers weren't even working well anymore, since her head ached most of the time.

She only remembered one name and face, which she constantly thought about and helped her grasp on to her remaining sanity that was slowly ebbing away.


Well that's all for this chapter, hope you guys enjoyed! I will update soon, and my goal is to get three votes first before I do. Btw, this will most likely be the only graphic~ish chapter in the book, though it only hinted things. What's your opinion on Brokenstar?🤔 Thanks for reading! ~ Dove

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