{6} The fallen Cinder

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Saying that it wasn't painful would've been a lie.

Agony beyond words could express seeped through Cinderheart's body. Every part of her screamed. Blood pooled around her as her limbs flaked pathetically. Foam spilled from her mouth and her eyes were clouded over and the light was draining.

"Stop struggling... It'll be more painful if you struggle..."

"Honeyfern?" Cinderheart choked out hoarsely, her throat burning with each second.

Instead, she could see the faded outline of a silver cat, her green eyes glowing against the darkness the engulfed her.

"Welcome death with open paws, dear." The strange cat lulled, her tone sympathetic.

The pain Cinderheart felt was subsiding, and so were her breaths. She truly had no idea how fatal the wound Mapleshade had scored across her belly was, but she felt her life slowly slipping away.

Little did Cinderheart know that the malicious laugh of Mapleshade would be last thing she would ever hear. Memories of her and Lionblaze flashed through her mind, giving her the last seconds of comfort.

Then, everything went black.


One breath was all it took for her to realize she hadn't disappeared into oblivion. Still, she was too scared to open her eyes. Was she dead? She definitely didn't feel very alive, she felt more... like an aura.

"Don't be afraid. Open your eyes." The same gentle voice Cinderheart had heard earlier sounded by her.

Hesitantly, Cinderheart did as she was told.

What she saw was beautiful.

Ahead of her, there were endless, bright green hills that stretched behind a gorgeous, dark blue lake. Cinderheart spotted cats basking below towering trees that trailed through the entire clearing, and others happily splashing in the fresh water.

She looked behind her and faced a moor with several berry bushes and many dens that were built against giant boulders. Tall pines decorated further back and a sparkling river stretched across it. What Cinderheart loved the most about all this was that the scent of prey was rich in her senses.

"Welcome to the Stars, dear."

Cinderheart's mouth gaped in shock. "But... I thought Starclan was gone!"

The silver she-cat smiled sadly. "Indeed it is. This isn't Starclan, young one. This is the Stars."

Confusion swarmed through Cinderheart's eyes.

"Before I explain, where are my manners? My name is Levi." Levi purred warmly, her brilliant green eyes friendly.

"Levi?" Cinderheart meowed slowly, "That's not a warrior name....."

"Because I'm not one." Levi laughed, the gentle sound being a soothing melody to Cinderheart's ears.

"But I thought all warriors go to the same Starcl- Stars..." Cinderheart frowned, trying to piece everything together.

Levi's expression fell, sadness radiating around her.

"This isn't a place where you'll find your close friends or clanmates. In the stars, there's a random selection of cats who get the chance to be redeemed. Starclan faded a long time ago, dear. And so has my hope of reuniting with my mate and kits." The silver she-cat sighed, her tail tip twitched with distraught.


Cinderheart stiffened, too overwhelmed with grief to move. "I... I was expecting when I was alive." She choked out, her pelt tingling with misery, "Are they dead?"

Levi's face suddenly twisted with envy.

"No," the silver spirit confirmed, but her expression didn't seem very relieving, "They're still there. In Starclan, waiting for you."

Cinderheart's belly tightened with panic. "But you said Starclan was gone?" She hissed, her voice edged with frustration.

Levi didn't respond this time, instead, she flicked her bushy tail as if indicating that Cinderheart should follow.

The warrior was guided through the beautiful moor, her eyes wandering around as she spotted several rabbits and mice. They also passed a small, bright blue pond with fish swimming around the shore. Levi stopped abruptly when they reached a wide cave.

Cinderheart glanced at Levi uncertainly before trailing after her inside.

The rigid, stone walls were decorated with sparkling jewels that gleamed dangerously. Large spikes of granite jutted out of them the deeper they walked, bringing an eerie mood. Cinderheart's paw pads were scraped raw by the time they reached a tiny, clear pond.

"Look inside." Levi encouraged, her face holding a surprising amount of intensity.

Cinderheart did as told, and peered over the pond's edge. At first, all she saw was her reflection, but then the water rippled a picture of five kits appeared.

The kits, who seemed to have just been born, were in a warm nest which was lined with tufts of gray fur. Cinderheart observed each and every one carefully, and her heart warmed at how cute they were.

There were two tiny, dark brown tabby kits snuggled up together, the difference between the two being that one had white splotches across the bridge of it's pink nose. Beside them was a large pale gray kit with darker, but faint, stripe along his back. It squeaked and struck it's paw out, batting a sleek, white kit with ginger patches on its head, tail, and back in the face. A very dark, almost black, kit with a rather flat face squirmed amongst them, joining the chorus of the loud cries.

"Whose... are these?" She breathed in awe. They were all so beautiful.

"They," Levi pointed at the flickering image of the kits with her tail, "Are our future. They can either make it or break it."

"But they're just kits!" Cinderheart protested, her eyes stretching wide with dismay.

"That's where you come in." Levi smiled, and without warning, she shoved Cinderheart head first into the pond.

Hey guys! Just want to say sorry to all of you Cinderheart fans 😅 she's going to be very important still, don't worry 😉


I need help coming up with names for Dovewing's kits, so suggestions would be much appreciated!

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