{2} They left us

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Lionblaze wondered if death would hurt.

He never had felt battle wound pain, nevertheless agonizing near death, so he pondered on the question. He dreamed maybe he could be taken out of his misery, and join the ranks of Star Clan. "If there is a starclan anymore..."  He thought as he flopped down on his uncomfortable moss nest in his isolated stone den behind the leader's den.

          He winced as he felt his pelt get  sliced by the vines and thorns wrapped on him to prevent him from escaping. His usually shinning golden tabby pelt was dull and matted. Lionblaze closed his eyes, hoping he could rest in a dream, but was taken to a horrid memory of the battle.

            "Take them to the moon pool." A laugh cackled behind Lionblaze as he was held with vines by Maplehade. "Jayfeather and Dovewing probably have it worse..." He thought as he saw Tigerstar pad up so he face all three of them. Rage filled him as he remembered how the tom raked his claws along Firestar's neck moment before in the battle. Now, a triumphing sneer covers the evil toms face. "Bathe them in the rest of the moonpool water so their precious Star Clan can know we are VICTORIOUS!" He demanded. Mapleshade laughed as she forced Lionblaze to walk by her, uncomfortably  close to him. "Let's head on shall we?" She rasped as Lionbalze recoiled in disgust.

            The journey to the moonpool stretched on, Lionblaze wince with every step as thorns dug into his skin. Behind him, Breezepelt was shoving  and clawing Jayfeather to walk foward. Angry hisses escaped his brother's mouth but he didn't attempt to claw back. He knew his brother was desperate to see if Star Clan was really there so he didn't argue. What worried him was that far back, he kept hearing Dovewing's screams. At one point, he turned his golden head towards the noise. Brokenstar was digging his claws mercilessly at Dovewing's spine as he forced her to walk on. Lionblaze was horrified at his old apprentice's appearance. Her  pale gray pelt was torn and dark red blood covered almost her inch of her body. She was hunched over and looked miserable. "Don't touch her!" Lionblaze roared, unsheathing his claws. Brokenstar's blazing gaze snapped up to meet his. "Shut up you ThunderClan scum!" He snarled as he shoved the small she-cat forward, making her land in her face painfully against the rough ground.
           Lionblaze struggled against the vines but Maplashade pulled him forward so his pelt brushed against hers. "I suggest you keep walking forward." She hissed happily, making Lionblaze snarl in anger.

             When they reached the moonpool, the sight they were given was unexpected. The moonpool was empty. It's usually bright water was dried up and the plants bear or were destroyed. He heard Jayfeather gasp in horror behind him and a triumph of laugh form Brokenstar. Mapleshade though, had a shocked expression on her face which turned to bitter enjoyment. "Ha! HA!" She shouted as she let go of Lionblaze's vine and raced over to the empty pool. "STARCLAN IS DEAD!" She bellowed viciously as  Brokenstar and Breezepelt cheered. Lionblaze took a step back, the thorns loosening against the thorns and attempted to escape by loosening the vines. "What do you think your doing?" A scream form Mapleshade filled his ears along with Dovewing's scared cry as he was free form the vines. Suddenly, he felt a weight in his back and claws rake his pelt as he collapsed, seeing a flash of black fur as his world went black.

               "Lionblaze!" Lionblaze leaped to his paws painfully as he heard the familiar voice. His Amber eyes widened as he saw the beautiful she-cat he loved. "Cinderheart?" He gasped, "What are you doing here? Mapleshade will shred you!" But the gray tabby she-cat wasn't listening as tears filled her blue eyes form looking at his wounds. 

           "Cinderheart... I-I-i'm fine... You don't need to-" His mew was cut off as Cinderheart rushed forward and pressed against him, her tears wetting his pelt.
          "Why would Starclan let this happen to you?" She wailed through his fur. Lionblaze lifted his tail up on her shoulders soothingly. "I don't know, Cinderheart. But we have each other now. You need to lay low and-" "I'm expecting your kits." She cut him off in excitement and grief, making Lionblaze freeze with shock. "Your..." He tried to find the words as he looked into her gorgeous blue eyes. "That's wonderful.. I'm going to be a father!" He purred then stopped as a serious look formed in his eyes. "You can't stay here." He growled, "You need to go to the twoleg place before their born."
              "No." Cinderheart snapped, "if you're not going, then I'm staying with you and so are the kits." "This isn't about me or you!" Lionblaze sighed in frustration, "this is about the kits. Mapleshade is making them train when their barely old enough to run. We haven't seen each other in moons, but I can imagine the amount of kits that have died from Mapleshade's brutal training." The gray tabby was about to open her mouth but then stopped and pricked her ears. "I have to go, they're coming." She pressed her muzzle against his, and Lionbalze absorbed her sweet scent before she pulled away and rushed out of then den.

         Lionblaze sighed in distraught and curled up painfully in his nest again. He hadn't seen Jayfeather and Dovewing ever since the moonpool but he held on to hope that they were okay. What worried him the most was how Jayfeather was getting along in TigerClan.

Finished the second chapter! Phew!😅 Poor Lionblaze! And what about Jayfeather? What's going in in Tiger Clan that worried Lionbalze so much? Find out soon!!!! Remember to vote!

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